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Mosquitoes suck

The mosquitoes are now out in full force, and they have invaded my apartment. I hate having to burn that awful-smelling mosquito repellant incense, but it's the only thing that seems to keep most of them at bay (somewhat). Those little plug-in kinds don't work ... at least not on Taiwanese mosquitoes, which I'm starting to think are some kind of super, genetically-altered mosquitoes. So anyway, my legs are like totally bitten up and itch like hell. Not fun.


Yesterday, I bought my one-way airline ticket back to the States. It was actually cheaper than I expected, under US$1,000, plus about $100 per cat. The whole trip, including a stop in Nagoya, Japan, and San Francisco (where I have to change planes) will take about 24 hours. It won't be pleasant for either me or my cats. Hopefully I won't have to take such a long plane trip again for a long time.


I've also been pitching more junk, and threw out a box full of books I don't need anymore. I'll probably fill up another garbage bag full of crap today, and next week actually start shipping a couple boxes back home. My goal is to go home with no more than I came over with, except for the cats (and a bunch of books). I also want to pick up some Chinese artwork before I go home, because I'll need some stuff to decorate my new apartment with. I may get some more books, too, because it's hard to find Chinese-language reading material in the States. There's a gay bookstore here in Taipei, and I'd like to go pick up a few gay novels, too.


Kitty sent me the first edit of Chapter 10 of SOOTB last night, and I promptly made the corrections (and added a couple little bits) and sent it on back to her, so hopefully it will be ready for posting by this weekend. It's a pretty long chapter. I hope everyone will enjoy it. I'm getting closer to finishing Chapter 13 now that I've finished the rough draft of my chapter of "Service," although I haven't heard back from Dan yet about what he thinks.


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Awww David, I hope you dont get bitten too much, and i hope you can figure out a way to repel the mosquitoes better, I've heard wet wood burning produces alot of carbon dioxide, and they dont like that, so maybe that.. hmmand I hope your legs arent very itchy, dont scratch if you can >_<! Good luck on coming back here, and I hope you dont lose your luggage with the whole plane switching thingy~


Muchos Love!




Hey David! :D


First off I wanted to comment about Seeking Nirvana. I quite enjoyed it, and my response to Nicky's riddle would be, "The same as it's always been and always will be". The philosophical themes running through it were definitely the most interesting to me. In fact I'd quite like to have a conversation with you sometime about the nature of happiness. And there was another topic I particularly wanted to talk about but I can't remember now :blink: . Grrrr Oh well maybe it'll come back to me later.


Anyway as far as actual comments about the story, I'd say first off I wonder what happened to Vic. It seemed to me for some reason that you'd hinted that he was going off to commit suicide, but that's probably not what you meant, it was just the first thought that popped into my head. Secondly I have to say that I enjoyed the story first and foremost for the themes and ideas running through it and secondarily for the actual plot and characterization. I guess it's tough to get attached to characters over such a short span of time, but I just didn't find myself empathizing much with Nicky. Of course that may have just been because I literally couldn't see myself in his position.


Anyway I definitely enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to chapter 10 of SOOTB :D


Oh yeah, and a quick question. What are you going to do about litter facilities for the cats? I'll probably just take mine in their box and hope they don't need to "go" while we're on the road. It'll probably take just under 5 hours counting stops, so hopefully they should be fine, but do you have some tiny litter box or something that you're going to put in the box for yours?


Well I hope you have an awesome day and watch out for the mosquitoes!





Oh yeah, and a quick question. What are you going to do about litter facilities for the cats? I'll probably just take mine in their box and hope they don't need to "go" while we're on the road. It'll probably take just under 5 hours counting stops, so hopefully they should be fine, but do you have some tiny litter box or something that you're going to put in the box for yours?


I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D


I have to purchase three new carriers for my cats that are approved for being put on airplanes, meaning basically that they're more durable. They'll have a little water container inside, and I can refill it when I get them in San Francisco (that's where I have to go through customs). The lady at the pet store told me that there's room in the bottom of the carriers to put some litter, so hopefully they'll do their thing and cover it up so I don't have to deal with shit-covered kitties when I get back to the east coast ... but, I'm expecting they won't be able to hold it that long, and in that confined space will probably get a little "dirty" ... so I'll most likely have to give them a bath when I get home. I won't feed them the morning of the trip, though, so hopefully that will help. They should be able to go 24 hours without food as long as they have water. I'll try and plump them up a bit over the next couple months, too! lol

Former Member


I started reading SOOTB two days ago (after I read Seeking Nirvana) and I really liked it. Although I'm still angry at you for doing this to poor Ryan. I just hope you make Connor make up his mind soon whom he likes. I can't wait to get the next chapter. 0:)


As for Seeking Nirvana: I liked that one too. Although I got a bit pissed of during it. I guess I just don't have the right backgroud for some stuff. e.g. I defenitly would have taken the stick out of his hand and threatened to..... the first time he'd hit me.





"ChinaBlock" in Washington, D.C. is pretty puny, and I wouldn't count on much there. Better to shop in San Francisco's Chinatown, if your layover is long enough.





Welcome home LittleBuddah! :2thumbs:


I can't say that the skeeters are any better here, changing time zones is a pain and Horge Busche is still el Jefee.


Maybe you should go to Australia?



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