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Anthology 101



Myr posted a great blog last Saturday about the history of GA's anthologies and how participating in the anthology is a good way to get exposure as an author here.  Based on the comments on that blog, it sounds like there are some great stories already in the works!  One of the perks of being on the proof team is being able to read the anthology stories before they're released, and if the two I've already read are any indication, we're in for a real treat once the stories go live in September. 

Since there have been some upgrades to the site since we wrote the FAQs for the anthology, we thought it would be a good idea to update them.  So today I'm featuring the revised versions of the Anthology 101 and how to upload your anthology story threads.  The answers to most questions about the antho can be found in those threads, but if anyone has any other questions about any part of the process to participate in the anthology, please PM either myself or @Cia and we'll be happy to respond. 

Be sure to scroll down to Cia's post to see the updated version of how to post a story for the anthology:


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