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MDBCs 19 Mar 2024



March 19th 2024 - Holidays and Observances


(click on the day for details)


Observances (click on the day, BD, or week for details)

International Client's Day

Certified Nurses Day

International Read To Me Day

National 3-D Day

National Ag Day

National Automatic Door Day

National Backyard Day

National Chocolate Caramel Day

National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National Poultry Day

National Stretch Mark Day

Operation Iraqi Freedom Day

Spring Begins

Tea for Two Tuesday

World Social Work Day


Bruce Willis’s Birthday

Yung Gravy’s Birthday

Yandy Smith’s Birthday

Gus Caleb Smyrnios’s Birthday

Harvey Weinstein


Tue Mar 19th, 2024 - Tue Mar 26th, 2024
Tue Mar 19th, 2024 - Mon Apr 8th, 2024

Fun Observances

 Let's Laugh Day

Let’s Laugh Day is celebrated every year on March 19. It is an unofficial holiday that encourages people to laugh and enjoy the benefits of laughter.

A group of teenagers laughing and taking a selfie.

Studies have suggested that laughter can help people relax and reduce stress. Laughing and being joyful can also have health and social benefits.

Many Health Benefits

Medical studies have shown a few minutes of laughter can reduce blood pressure, increase immunity response of the body, and boost heart rate. Watching or reading something humorous before sleep can also help people sleep better and longer.

Laughing can even burn calories. Research has shown that 10-15 minutes of laughing can burn up to 50 calories.

Friendly People

People who laugh often are seen by their peers as happy and friendly. As a result, they tend to have more friends and are easily accepted as a part of different social groups.

How to Celebrate?

Here are some ways you can celebrate this happy “howl”iday:

  • Laugh out loud for a few minutes.
  • Spend some time reading jokes and funny stories.
  • Watch a funny movie.
  • Attend a stand-up comedy show.

Did You Know…

…that children laugh more than adults? An average toddler laughs about 400 times a day, while an average adult tends to laugh about 15-20 times a day.






Danny was hard to miss at our school. A Civil War buff who forever wore his Confederate overcoat, he was a friend to all. When he was passed over during the vote for senior superlatives, many of us were disappointed; surely there must have been some category suitable for him.

The whole school was pleased, therefore, when the yearbook adviser surprised us with an additional photo. There was Danny, decked out in his gray coat, with the caption: "Most Likely to Secede."




A Harley rider eating in a restaurant is checking out a gorgeous redhead. Suddenly she sneezes and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket. The biker reaches up, snatches it out of the air, and hands it back to her. "I am so embarrassed," the woman says. "Please join me for dinner."

They enjoy a wonderful meal together and afterwards she invites him to the theater, followed by drinks. She pays for everything. Then she asks him to her place for a nightcap, and to stay for breakfast.

The next morning the guy is amazed. "Are you this nice to every biker you meet?" he asks.

"Not usually," she replies. "But you just happened to catch my eye."




One of my friends is in charge of the part-time help hired by an old-age home run by an order of nuns. She confided to the mother superior, a feisty little nun of 70, that she always felt uncomfortable giving the young girls the obligatory lecture about the need to be careful around certain of the older male patients.

The mother superior volunteered to give it for her, and eventually reduced my friend's 30 minutes of embarrassed rambling to a one-liner that has now become famous around the place. "Girls," she announced. "Just remember—old ain't dead."




My 35-year-old son and I had just finished our meal when I realized I’d left my wallet in my truck. As I headed out the door, I told the waitress what had happened.

“But don’t worry,” I said with a grin. “I’m leaving my son for collateral.”

She looked at him. He winked at her. She turned back to me.

“What else you got?”














































































sandrewn :cowboy:

  • Haha 2


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