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nidificate - Word of the Day - Tue Jul 2, 2024




nidificate - (verb) - to build a nest

birds nest bird GIF


Every spring, the robins would return to nidificate in the old oak tree by the window.


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Odds are, with the time left to me on this earth(damn that never ending, tick, tick, ticking), I will never come across this word again.


Nidificate: to build a nest.

Nidification is a word that can be interpreted in many ways.

Ultimately humans are animals with basic primal needs, hard wired into us, that we can not change.
The act of “building a nest” is nothing but a normal human response to being alive. We want to feel safe and sheltered but also
have the freedom to spread our wings and fly. We all build nests in different ways in our lives. No two nests are alike.
Each is built from unique and individual parts. We use the resources available to build our nest and our shelter.
The nest changes as we change and grow.



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There are many species that nidificate, and here's another example of a group that builds their own type of nest. 


Wasps at their wasp nest

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1 hour ago, sandrewn said:

Odds are, with the time left to me on this earth(damn that never ending, tick, tick, ticking), I will never come across this word again.


Nidificate: to build a nest.

Nidification is a word that can be interpreted in many ways.

Ultimately humans are animals with basic primal needs, hard wired into us, that we can not change.
The act of “building a nest” is nothing but a normal human response to being alive. We want to feel safe and sheltered but also
have the freedom to spread our wings and fly. We all build nests in different ways in our lives. No two nests are alike.
Each is built from unique and individual parts. We use the resources available to build our nest and our shelter.
The nest changes as we change and grow.



I'll try to bring it up now and then to beat the odds.

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@Bill W


4 hours ago, Bill W said:


There are many species that nidificate, and here's another example of a group that builds their own type of nest. 


Wasps at their wasp nest

You are quite right. We tend to associate nest building with birds. So it shouldn't be a surprise to learn, that their ancestors, the dinosaurs were also nest builders.

Flexi Says: Many types of animals build nests, including a variety of fish, amphibians, mammals, turtles, lizards, snakes, and crocodiles. Nest-building behavior has been a common characteristic in the animal kingdom for millions of years. Even dinosaurs built nests!

When I posted before, I had found 2 great articles on this. However I deleted them after I posted and I haven't been able to find them again. So I am using  Wikipedia  as a reference, sorry.

Nest - Wikipedia

Just for interest sake, names of some nests:



Edited by sandrewn
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4 hours ago, drpaladin said:

I'll try to bring it up now and then to beat the odds.

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out, if and when you do.


Edited by sandrewn
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