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Omg.. that's the funniest shit ever. The whole Australian kiss thing. I'd have to use that sometime. About the girl.. uhh maybe you should throw hints that will imply you like boys.. that might work.

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You should tell her the story about the cute guy at work when you had a nail go through your hand... but focus on how cute the guy was :)

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Hehe. Skittles. That has to be more than a coincidence.


I read today that another name for us gays, is 'skittles' - cause we're 'fruity' and we like to taste the rainbow! Lol.



If you get too nervous you should cross the equator and kiss an Australian.


Hey, I'd happily volunteer! :P

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If you get too nervous you should cross the equator and kiss an Australian.


I agree :2thumbs:

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Alternative suggestions on how to deal with 'Cool but Clueless' girl:


1) 'Brittany, I'm like soooo looking forward to scoping out guys with you on Friday.'


2) '


Wait a fricking Minute!!!!! So I'm putting together a list of witty answers and advice to help you 'come out' to this girl, and then I realized 'This is Dom-frickin-Luka'!!!!


Hello??? You write coming out stories and many of your characters have had to break the news to unknowing girlfriends - Owen v. Anna, Aiden v. Janie, Quinn v. Marissa...


:sheep: figure it out on your own! you have enough material!!!!!


:P Vic

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This same scenario happened to me when I was in college. A girl in my program invited me over to her house for dinner, and I arrived and it was just us! I thought it was a bit odd. She was a pretty conservative and old-fashioned person. We sat down to Shake 'n' Bake chicken and she starts acting all nervous and stuff.


Finally she says: "Aaron, I have a really personal question to ask you."


Me (very flip about it): "Ok, ask away."


Her: "It's very personal."


Me: "OK"


Her: "I don't know how to ask this, it's just something I have to find out, and I don't know if it's true or not."


Me "If what's true?"


Her: "Well, it's something I thought I heard might be the case with you, but i just wanted to make sure."


Me: "Ok, just ask and I'll try to answer."


Her: "OK"


Long pause here. I know what she's going to ask but I just loved making her actually ask me because I'm evil. She's about to open her mouth but i can't resist dragging out the tension.


Me: "Traci, is this a math question? I really suck at math, I should let you know, just in case it is."


Her: "No, it's nothing like that."


Her nervousness has reached a fever pitch, and her eyes are darting everywhere like she's a serial killer or something. Finally, she practically screams:


"Aaron, are you ga.. ga.. ga.. ga.. ga.. gaaaaay!"


Me: "Oh, yes, yes I am." laugh.


Her: "Oh, ok, well if you weren't I was going to ask you out."


Me: "Well, you do make a fabulous Shake 'n' Bake!"


Her (still nervous as hell): "Well, if you ever did want to go out with a girl I think she'd say yes, because your quite handsome."


Me: "Quite rather? Shall we shag now or shall we shag later?"


After that she and I were good friends until I graduated, I was a wise-ass to her the whole time we knew each other!


We never did shag...



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Long pause here. I know what she's going to ask but I just loved making her actually ask me because I'm evil. She's about to open her mouth but i can't resist dragging out the tension.




Wow, you are evil. I probably would have done the same thing in your situation. 0:) its always funny when gay guys get asked out on a date with a girl. so long as its not me. :D cause then it would be all awkward. but its always good to have a laugh at others expense. 0:)

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A girl once tricked me onto a date in my last year of high school, and into kissing her *pouts* but I wasn't out so couldn't tell her why I wasn't interested so made something up about not being in a relationship place what with leaving for college being on the cards and stuff 0:) Its awkward though, so...good luck!

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