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The Resident Evil TimeLine




These are the events that took place in the Resident Evil Game Series

(Note that the games were not released in this order)


Resident Evil 0


Bravo Team is sent in to investigate the disappearance of a convict

Billy Coen. He eventually meets Rebecca Chambers.

Through the night, Billy and Rebecca find out what's going on

and in the end, they kill off James Marcus who mutated into

a massive leech creature.


Resident Evil


After the Bravo Team go missing, Albert Wesker sends his

Alpha Team to search and rescue. Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine

, Barry Burton, Joseph Frost and Brad Vickers are the team

involved primarily. They end up at Spencer mansion after being

chased by a pack of Zombie dogs - Cerberus. Throughout the night

at Spencer mansion, they find out what's going on.

The whole place is overrun by all sorts of mutated experiments,

Zombies, Cerberus etc. In the end Albert Wesker betrays the team

and plans their death by sending Tyrant on them only for it to backfire

and Tyrant ends up killing Albert Wesker. Chris, Jill, Rebecca and Barry

end up killing the Tyrant and they escape. Spencer mansion blows up.




A Tyrant mass production facility is currently at work on Sheena Island.

Jill, Barry and Chris head off to Umbrella HQ in Europe as no one takes

them seriously after the events at Spencer mansion. A T-Virus Antivirus

called 'Daylight' is created at the university of Raccoon City.


Resident Evil 2


William Birkin is assassinated.

The T-Virus is spread around Raccoon City.

William Birkin purposely injects himself with the G-Virus and mutates

into a giant monster.Agent Hunk is sent to retrieve the G-Virus sample.

William Birkin annihilates Hunk's team.The virus spreads more through

the waterways A Tyrant-103 is deployed.


Resident Evil Outbreak


Kevin Ryman, David King, Alyssa Ashcroft, Yoko Suzuki, Cindy Lennox,

George Hamilton, Mark Wilkins and Jim Chapman all evacuate their

local bar as it is overrun by Zombies.

The Raccoon Police Department attempt to evacuate the city.

New B.O.Ws are visible all over Raccoon City including the first sighting

of a 'Licker'. A Zombie which has further mutated.

The 8 survivors from J's Bar find their way into the Hospital

only to be pursued by a Leech man. They then escape and head for

an underground marshalling yard. A G-Embryo attacks them...


Resident Evil 3


Jill Valentine attempts to escape Raccoon City after the outbreak.

The Nemesis makes his first appearance and kills Brad Vickers.

Jill meets Carlos Oliveira.

The Nemesis also kills Mikael, a comrade of Carlos.

Jill fights the Nemesis and becomes infected...


Resident Evil 2 pt.2


Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield arrive at Raccoon City.

They battle William Birkin at several locations including the now

ransacked Raccoon Police Department.

Umbrella send a Tyrant after Leon and Claire.

Marvin Branagh (Policeman), Ben Bertolucci (Ada's friend)

and Brian Iron's (Police Chief) all die.

Leon meets Ada Wong.

Claire meets Sherry Birkin.

Claire, Leon, Ada and Sherry all end up at an underground

lab that belongs to William Birkin.

William Birkin's lab is later on destroyed by Leon and Claire

as they try to escape from Raccoon City.

Annette Birkin is killed.

Ada Wong supposedly dies...

Leon, Claire and Sherry all manage to get to the train which

will take them out of Raccoon City yet they are confronted

by the Tyrant who mutated into the 'Super Tyrant'. They end up killing him

On the train, William Birkin in his last final form appears and is killed

when a bomb is set on the train.

Claire, Leon and Sherry escape the train and reach the outside.


Resident Evil 3 pt.2


Jill wakes up thanks to Carlos using a vaccine he found at the hospital.

Nicholai Ginovaef is actually working for Umbrella and is sent to kill

Jill Valentine. He is later on killed by the Nemesis.

Jill confronts the Nemesis for the final time at the dead factory

and ends up incapacitating him.

Barry Burton rescues Jill and Carlos by helicopter...


Resident Evil Outbreak pt.2


The 8 survivors end up facing a mutated Tyrant outside of the

Raccoon City University known as 'Thanatos'. They end up

killing it with the 'Daylight' Antivirus.

They then go to the main Umbrella building and end up

facing another Tyrant there as well. The same model as the one

after Leon and Claire - T-103. It mutates and starts to cause havok.

The survivors make their way to the freeway where a strange mass

creature known as 'NYX' confronts them. It absorbs the Tyrant which

also finds them and attacks the survivors. They kill the creature and escape.






After the Events of Resident Evil


Claire leaves Sherry with Leon as she goes off in search of her brother, Chris.

Leon and Sherry are detained by the Government.

Sherry is taken away and ends up in the hands of.....ALBERT WESKER!

Ada Wong is shown to have survived and is working for Albert Wesker.



Sheena Island is discovered to have the T-Virus on it too.



Vincent Goldman unleashes the T-Virus in the city of Sheena

Island as a reported "accident".


Resident Evil: Gun Survivor


Ark Thompson wakes up on Sheena Island after a helicopter crash.

Soon, he is attacked by Zombies and the town is then overrun too.

He meets a boy named Lott and ends up going to an Umbrella Facility.

On the way, he is attacked by several Tyrants which have also seemed

to have overrun the the area. Ark finds out that the whole facility's

purpose is to create Tyrants. He also learns his true purpose as to why

he is on the island in the first place. He was sent by Leon S. Kennedy.

Ark decides that he has to escape the island with Lott and Lily, Lott's sister.

Ark is confronted by Vincent Goldman but is then killed by a Tyrant who

mutated. Ark kills the Tyrant and then escapes in a helicopter only to then

realise that the Tyrant is hanging on to the helicopter. Ark fires a missile and

obliterates the Tyrant. He, along with the two children escape.


Resident Evil - CODE: Veronica X


Claire is looking for her brother, Chris, and successfully infiltrates

the Paris HQ of Umbrella.

She ends up getting captured and taken to Rockfort Island as a prisoner.

Claire Redfield meets a young man named Steve Burnside.

Claire confronts Albert Wesker who is officially alive now.

He appears to have superhuman powers and easily knocks

some sense in to Claire. He seems to want Chris...

Claire and Steve arrive at the Antarctica base after taking

on a Tyrant on the plane.

Chris Redfield however, arrives at Rockfort Island looking for Claire.

He ends up flying to Antarctica too.

Steve is captured by Alexia who is found out to be alive

thanks to her brother Alfred.

Steve now has the T-Veronica Virus in him and mutates in to

a giant green Tyrant. Claire ends up running away from him

only to see a massive tentacle come out of the wall and defeat

Steve-Tyrant. He reverts back to his normal self only to then die.

Chris, however, finally meets his rival, Wesker. Wesker, again

shows his superhuman powers and looks set

to kill Chris when he is called away.

Chris meets Alexia for the first time in a main hall that looks similar

to the one in Spencer Mansion. Alexia mutates only to have

Wesker appear and take her on. He ends up running away and then

Chris defeats Alexia. He finds Claire.

Claire and Chris find a way to escape only to meet Alexia again.

She mutates again and Chris ends up killing her once and for all.

As they get ready to escape, Albert Wesker appears again, he

takes on Chris, beating him up like usual until Chris manages to get

Wesker away with massive poles. Wesker explains that he has

Steve in his submarine mainly because he has the

T-Veronica Virus in him which is why Wesker appeared anyway.

He escapes. Claire and Chris end up getting off the island.



Raccoon City is merely a crater.



Resident Evil: Dead Aim


On Morpheus' Island, creatures are created through experiments

They take the forms of sealife and even humanoid or reptilian

creatures take oceanic resemblances.

Morpheus Duvall attacks the Umbrella lab in France that is still

operational, he steals three T-virus samples and loads them into

missiles for terrorism purposes.

Morpheus attacks and claims the Spencer Rain cruise liner and

spreads the T-Virus throughout the ship. He holds China and America

at ransom otherwise he will launch the T-Virus missiles.

US-STRATCOM agent, Bruce McGivern is sent to stop Morpheus.

A Chinese special agent, Fong Ling is also on board to stop Morpheus.

Morpheus is hurt in a grenade explosion and combines the

T and G-Viruses together to form the TG-Virus. He uses it on

himself and mutates in to a female mutant Tyrant of sorts.

Throughout the ship, Bruce and Fong Ling encounter Zombies

and other creatures. They then end up facing Morpheus again.

Fong Ling is held hostage by him whereas Bruce has to find a way

of hurting Morpheus as he has a strange energy shield preventing

standard weaponry from affecting him. Bruce finds a particle-charge

Rifle and ends up defeating Morpheus. He then runs off attempting to

disarm the T-Virus missiles with help from Fong Ling.

Morpheus, still alive now as a giant piece of fleshy mass, chases Bruce.

Bruce ends up killing Morpheus once and for all.

Bruce and Fong Ling manage to escape the cruiser.



Resident Evil 4


Leon S. Kennedy is now a fully trained special agent working for the

U.S Government. His mission is to search for Ashley Graham,

the daughter of President Graham, who has been captured

by ex-teammate, Jack Krauser. All this is for Osmund Saddler,

a maniacal crazed man who leads a cult in a secluded region of Spain.

Jack Krauser however, really works for Albert Wesker. Who joins him?

Yup, Ada Wong. The purpose and target for Wesker? The Las Plagas.

A parasite which affects lifeforms in a more advanced and intelligent

way than the viruses beforehand could do.

Leon, after traversing through a village and defeating it's

chief, Bitorez Mendes, ends up at a castle run by crazed midget man,

Ramon Salazar.

Ashley is rescued by Leon, he manages to defeat Salazar, Krauser and Saddler.

Ada Wong manages to successfully gain the host Los Plagas parasite

which befell the European community that Saddler controlled.

Ada ends up giving Albert Wesker the wrong Las Plagas sample

and we realise that she is actually double crossing him

and working for a different company..."S"...


Recommended Comments



Justyn, babe. What's with the big Resident Evil obsession? Everywhere I look on your blog I see the Umbrella insignia. It's great to have a hobby but...are you really that obsessed?



Justyn, babe. What's with the big Resident Evil obsession? Everywhere I look on your blog I see the Umbrella insignia. It's great to have a hobby but...are you really that obsessed?


I'm not obsessed with RE. I just like it alot cause not only is it a game series and movie but its also a story. There are also a few Novel's on Resident Evil. I was trying to dress up my blog a little with a few pics but this was all I could do. I actually wanted one pic as a background but guess you can't do that. I didnt mean to rattle anybody or anything. Guess I went overboard aye?

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