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I think this is the post-story snooze time

And I don't really like it. Soulmate's done and out, and the first draft of Dirty Basement's off for reading, and now, two stories down in a couple of weeks and... I find I can't write. Not that I don't have things to write (yeah, yeah, I know, poor Rob's been stuck in an airport lounge for months, I have a new novel that's been brewing for a while, Ben and Wiliam would really like their origin story told, and they're also facing zombies. And caught in the middle of a murder mystery) but it's just not flowing right. I get a few words done here or there, or some outlining done, but that's about it.


I hope this clears soon. I have things to work on, dammit!


Recommended Comments

Lucy Kemnitzer


Check the calendar . . . you're supposed to be snoozing right now!



Heh. Settling down for a long winter's nap? Luckily nothing lasts forever. A story I'd been kind of poking at came together on the train tonight, and I think it's going to be much better for having sat and percolated. Woo!



Lots of writing breaks out on cold winter days.

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