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I haven't written an entry in a month. I've been too busy with everything lately that I haven't had the time to just sit down and write something. Not that it really matters though because nothing exciting is happening in my life. But, for those of you that are insanely bored and feel the need to read every blog post just because you have nothing better to do, then have fun :)


Let's start out with Adam... and Ryan. Most of you don't know about Ryan, so I'll just ignore him and move on to Adam. I haven't seen him in almost 2 weeks now. I've stopped looking for him in the halls now and don't really know if I ever pass by him. I'm taking that as a good sign though. Hopefully it means I'm moving on and getting over my infatuation with him. I really need to get over it. I don’t understand how I’m such a chicken when it comes to things like this. I never even talked to him. Oh well… that should make it easier for me.


School sucks. Senioritis kicked in for me. I don’t think I’ve done homework in a month and I wait until the last possible minute to do my projects. Meh. Somehow I manage to sleep in almost every class, yet get all As. I wonder how I do it sometimes, but I stop thinking about it because I really don’t care as long as it’s happening. I have a total of 10 days left before I graduate. December 21st is my last day. That last week is filled with 7 finals for me though  The F.I.N.A.L.S acronym really relates to me this year – f**K I Never Actually Learned this Shit.


I gave my 2 weeks notice for work yesterday. They weren’t too happy, but f**K ‘em. I gave them a lot of work for not very much pay, and I hated the job anyways. Loved the people, but the job was boring and frustrating. Old people shouldn’t be allowed into restaurants past 5 O’clock. They need a curfew.


I’m moving to Texas in 17 days. Well technically I’m leaving for Texas in 19, but I leave Kansas City on the 24th, drive down with my mom, dad, and sister to my aunts house, spend Christmas there, and then on the 26th my sister and I will drive my car and all my crap down to Texas while my parents come back home. I’m excited, but nervous as hell too.


I finish work on the 20th and then need to start packing all my crap for the move, but I’ll probably continue my trend of procrastination and wait until the 23rd to do it all. Which sucks because I need to take all my furniture with me and it’s a pain to break it all down. Bah. Oh well.


I. Hate. Writing. Poetry. It’s hard for me to write a serious poem. I either have to make it funny or make it very sarcastic. All that figurative language bullshit doesn’t work with me.


Wow… I rambled on more than I thought I would so I’ll finish it up now.


Happy Holidays Everyone :)



(Who is way too wired to go to bed right now)


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Funny and sarcastic works for poetry. Make your readers laugh- or think. Just don't sweat it. It doesn't have to be Byron or Keats.


I envy you moving to Texas. I think you'll dig it there. If you are near Denton, check out my favorite book store on the square. Recycled Books- in a big purple building. Ya can't miss it.


Best of luck,






I lived in Texas for 8 years, so I know I won't mind it. I'll be in the Dallas area, so not too far from Denton. I may check out the Recycled Books place. I'm always looking for cheap books :)Thanks for the luck :)Joe

C James


I don't envy you having to move: that is always a pain in the neck, but I hope you enjoy living in Texas again.


Don't procrastinate too long: I've always found that packing and other moving preperations take about three times as long as my "worst case estimate".

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