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Yeah this is an old entry of yours but I was just randomly reading and saw something interesting. Prozac caused tinnitus for you, too, huh? I still have it a little; if I try and lay down when I'm not actually ready to sleep and there's no noise, it'll drive me insane, but otherwise it's manageable. The interesting thing is that it seemed like the Prozac made it incredibly noticeable, to the point that when I was dog-tired I couldn't sleep for the ringing/whooshing/rushing/whitenoisey sound.


The only thing that's ever done that to me before was DXM, but it induces a state in which you're unable to sleep no matter how tired you may be anyway, so you don't exactly notice it unless you're trying desperately to get shut-eye. Which I did, often, and it drove me up a wall... would lay down in bed upside down atop my head to put some pressure on it because for some reason that seemed to help the teensiest amount. :P


In closing, prozac is evil and you rock. :D

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