Revenge Against Green
So it seems to me that the battle of the rabbits will carry on for another day. Though normally I wouldn't join in some stupid kid fight, today I was forced to do something I'm not proud of. The three hellspawns left me a flaming bag of poop on my doorstep. Now look I'm really not that naive that I would actually step on the bag to put it out. I sprayed it with water and scooped it up.Next as I tried to leave my house once again I was pelted with what looked to be seeds. So I went inside and called their parents who conveniently happened to not be home. So I went back out but this time with a super soaker filled with freezing water. The first got it in the face, the second ran so I couldn't get him and the third kid waited for the showdown. You know how twelve year olds are.As he stood infront of me waiting to bbe hit with cold ass water his parents pulled up. "What are you doing?" yelled their mother. I was about to answer when this came out of her mouth. "I told you to leave Green alone you little S#$@. Hit him Green." and I did just that.But the look on the kids face told me that this isn't the end of this. I expect the worst to come. GreenP.S. my bf finds this all to be hilarious.
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