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Luc's Dementia

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All I can say is...wow (yeah, right, you WISH that was all I could say) :P

Sometimes I am so slow it amazes me. I just now read the February Newsletter (at least it was the February 2007 Newsletter). Have to say that my mouth dropped oppen like a startled goldfish. Nickolas James reviewed my poetry! Wow. I suppose I will have to be careful now--or I might get the idea that I am a 'real' poet. *laughs* Though if that ever happens, I will just go back and read some of my older things that are posted on a secret site far, far away from the eyes of anyone who does not love me :P and that bubble will be very properly popped. I'm so very flattered that ANYONE has even READ my poetry. And I have probably said that before to some people, but it is true. I am always amazed by that. If you want to read what he said, go here.


And I am now a bit scared, because it seems one of my poems has won one of the Members Choice Awarads (for Best Poem on GA). I was thrilled just to have had a couple of nominations going. I figure to be included in the nominations with some extremely talented writers was enough. So when "I, No More" won (Winter Anthology Submission), it had me looking up at the sky wondering when the airplane would drop out of the sky on top of my head.


So, all in all...wow.


Thank you. To Nicklas James for even reading my work and then actually taking the time to write about it. And to everyone who voted for my poem. And for those who nominated a couple of my other things for awards. :D Ok, I hear that "Shut the f**K up and get off the stage" music playing now. I'm going, I'm going...

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Guest Kitty


No airplanes here. You deserved it. Of all of the writers here, you are one of those I could see very easily being published in print.

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