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the Burden of Perfection

Once upon a time there was a thing called science. Science was a beautiful thing because it offered answers to those with the wits to comprehend without the need for witch-doctors or crystal balls. In fact science offered humanity something very special: an ordered universe without the need for the super-natural.


Science had a pristine logic and reasoning process because even when science reached the wrong conclusion, each step in the scientific method depends on empirical evidence and peer review. Even when science made a mistake, it was an honest mistake shared by thousands of researchers slapping themselves in the forehead and saying DOH! The mistake would not stand because in contrast to the unchanging dogma of religion or the mysterious will of an unseen God, SCIENCE NEVER CLAIMED PERFECTION.


Science dismisses outmoded or incorrect theories all the time. In fact one of the most important scientific theories of our time is called the Uncertainly Principal.


Belief systems that claim perfection hold on to their laws long after they have been shown to be inaccurate or seriously flawed. Theirs is the burden of perfection: static, unchanging and never being able to admit that they are WRONG.


Without the burden of perfection, science is free to explore the universe and make mistakes improving itself in a stepwise refinement process. Belief systems that claim perfection (inerrant) must suppress or subvert knowledge of the universe because it exposes the imperfections in their dogma.


It is inevitable that science and religion are fundamentally at odds. It is the subversion of knowledge that most concerns me.


Some years ago, religions saw that they were falling outside the mainstream of modern thought. Catholics had long associations with universities but other denominations saw that their theories were being brushed aside. A number of Universities were established by and for the purpose of keeping these religions relevant. BYU, Liberty University and literally hundreds of colleges run by Baptist, Methodist and other religions exist simply to give theories like "Creation Science" or "Intelligent Design" a platform and the quacks that spread this stuff a place to work where they don't have to compete with real scientists.


Beware of those who are selling perfection. It simply does not exist. It is one of a bunch of illusions which opportunists use to exert control.


I'll stick with science because it gives us room explore since we don't claim to know everything and the very human capability to occasionally be wrong.


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