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You're a sports car... with one gallon of gas...

Ok - so NOT as wildly optimistic as I was during my post... I am still feeling well, feeling mainly bored with tons of energy - until I actually try to do something. First major time it hit me was Sunday night when I tried to go grocery shopping on my own. I had to pause twice in the store, and as SOON as I got back to the car and had the groceries loaded, I just sat in the drivers seat to rest. Described it to a friend at work and he's the one that coined the phrase that I'm using for this blog entry title.


So - at least when I got home from shopping, I told Dan the truth (and let him have his "I told you so") - as well as calling my boss and telling her that I'll be out a bit more. I WANT to go in. I WANT to do things... until I get 5 minutes into something (oh, like washing dishes) when I hit a wall. So yesterday (Monday), I stayed home and paced myself (both cause I had to and cause Dan would have killed me if I didn't). Got up, had a good breakfast, read news, napped. Got up, had lunch, did a little dishes, napped. At least to make sure I'm not sleeping the whole day away, I'm setting the alarm so the naps are only 60-90 minutes.


I did call my doctor yesterday and set up the first of my appointments - tomorrow at 11AM. I almost called first thing this morning as I was feeling like shit - slight headache and stomach pains. The stomach was mainly acid I think as eating plus taking my morning pills (which include previcid) helped a TON - and I think the headache was more caffeine based as a cup of coffee helped that. But it was scary waking up like that because I wasn't totally sure what the heck was going on. One other factor is that my spleen once again feels very large....


Hmmm... not sure if I mentioned the spleen yet. It's one of the symptoms of the CLL Leukemia - an enlarged spleen. Before last week, I couldn't tell you where my spleen was, how big it should be, what the heck it is - nothing other than "Oh ya, I've heard of that part." But when I first got to the hospital, one of the things they noticed was my spleen was very enlarged. Normally, the spleen is on your left side and is smallish (fist-sized?) and barely going a little lower than your soft-ribs. Mine when I checked in was MUCH bigger, not only going down to the level of my belly-button. Also, when I lay flat on my back, instead of the left and right sides of my abdomen being level, my left side was about an INCH higher than my right. Now by the time I checked out, it was still down to my bellybutton, but it was only bulging like 1/4 inch.


Last night, it's back to at least an inch thicker, but also now instead of flat, it's more... bulged. It's like if before you could simulate my belly by putting your left hand on your left part of your abdomen and that was the bulge - about the size and thickness. But now, instead of a flat hand, it's slightly rounded hand. It doesn't hurt, except when I've got a bit of gas (which with my pills, is frequently).


I still feel good overall. My mood took a bit of hit this morning because I had THOUGHT I was getting better... but the "reality" of leukemia is starting to hit. Last week, I got ... lucky? by quick prognosis, quick start to treatment, and very mild reaction to the treatment (I still haven't gotten hit by nausea, but in part due to taking daily anti-nausea drugs). At this point, I don't know when I'll go back to the office - possibly tomorrow after the doctor's appointment but at this point, I'm not planning anything other than playing things by ear.


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Hang in there, Trebs. Things will improve. Don't push yourself.


You are still in my thoughts and prayers.



When a friend of mine was going through the trauma of breast cancer, she liked to say cancer was like a truck. You've been hit by a truck and lived to tell the story. She also told the worst cancer jokes I ever heard. It's a shame that was over 20 years ago or I might be able to share one. The one thing I do remember from everyone I have met who've experienced cancer is to have a sense of humor about everything. Laugh! It gets the good brain chemicals moving and keeps the bad ones in check. A gloomy person has a better chance of getting worse than a happy one. If you need a laugh right now, why not try this for some cancer cartoons by a cancer patient.



Thank you Carl - those were GREAT!


Mike - thanks, Dan and I really appreciate all of the thoughts and support we're getting...



Hang in there my darling. You're a trooper. I know the feeling of wanting to *do* something when you're not well and how hard it is to slow down and pace yourself.


If you really get stir crazy, maybe allotting yourself a couple of hours a day to work from home will help :) Otherwise, enjoy the rest and catch up on some must see TV. Ohohoh!! Or get Warhammer * purr * My wizzie makes shit go *BOOM* and you would just love it.


You'll beat this, no problem. I know because I've decided and as we all know... the world revolves around me * nod *


Also... for morning issues. Try keeping some crackers by the bed. Saltines work best. Eat a couple before you sit up. It should help keep the stomach acid down and reduce those morning yuckies :)



Don't be in too much of a hurry to get back to work, Trebs. Remember the phrase parents use on their kids when they're sick: "You need sleep to get better." R&R may drive you nuts but it should help in the long run.


Best wishes.





Also... for morning issues. Try keeping some crackers by the bed. Saltines work best. Eat a couple before you sit up. It should help keep the stomach acid down and reduce those morning yuckies :)


:lol: That's a pregnant lady trick... <_<:huh::o Oh my...



It is :) But it really should help!!

Guest Promise


I can understand going stir crazy but, what Kiara said, WarHammer will take your mind off everything ;)



WAAAAGHHammer is a good distraction... it might even make you milk that sick leave a little bit more :)


Muchos hugs and kisses Trebbie!



I'll have you know....he tried the cracker routine.



I'll have you know....he tried the cracker routine.

Are there crumbs in the bed? :D



did it help??

Guest Coyote


But you're still a sports car right?


I mean that has to count for SOMETHING.


As long as you keep the motor revved, the engine tuned and take care of yourself you'll out run the cancer in a heartbeat. WELL before I run out of corny little car analogies at least.


Wait..wait..one more.


Tail pipe.

HEHE...tail pipe.


Awww yeah.


We're here for you big guy, and if you DO lose all of your hair, then we'll get Radar to shave his head too so you won't feel alone. I'd do it, but I have a big lumpy scarred misshapen mess that you don't want to see.



I will say it is enjoyable filling up his gas tank as frequently as it is needed. :D



Hello, love!


I hope you're feeling alright.


With such an attentive gas filling attendant, I don't see how you could feel any other way ;)


Thinking of you both and wishing you well.



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