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No on 8!



So after a long day at work, I'm driving home and one of my neighbors had put up a 'Yes on 8' sign. :angry:


I'm so angry right now, I just don't know what to do. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, odds are that some of my neighbors had to be religisexuals. But to make a point of putting out a sign? Aren't there more important things to be concerned about, like the economy? Nope. They & their pastors seem to think that this is the most important thing to be dealing with.


I don't talk to this neighbor much, but we've always been friendly. Not anymore. His fat heterosexual ass can go to hell.



<edit> For those of you outside of California, here's a wikipedia link on Proposition 8.


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I like your chioce of wording in the matter!


What did we learn here? Don't piss off Vic!


<3 Mike



OOOhhhhh wait until darkness falls, then snatch it up and rip it to shreds. Leave said shreds on said elitists front lawn. Post a copy of the constitution in its place :)

Michelle jin


lol I like Steve's idea.



lol Me too! hahaha



Actually what you should do is substitute a "No" sign of the same size when no one's looking. Buy extras...you might have to do this often.



Would you mind putting up a 'No on 8' sign? Or maybe you already have.



Would you mind putting up a 'No on 8' sign? Or maybe you already have.


I'm trying to find one now. I have a couple friends who volunteer for Obama locally so they're going to try to find one. Of course my requirement is that this sign has to be bigger than the 'Yes' sign :)

Mark Arbour


You may try to find bumper stickers then paste one over the "Yes" sign. That way, they're going to have to replace their sign. And if you have a dog, make sure you take it over to shit on their lawn. If you don't have a dog, borrow one.



From Wikipedia: Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has released a video in which he emphasizes his support to "defend and protect marriage" and to "overrule the judges" by "vot[ing] yes on Proposition 8."[38]


Perhaps that cheating f**K should try defending marriage against himself first?


Also: God forbid that judges should use their, you know... judgment to dispense that crazy thing, oh whats it called again? Oh yeah... justice.

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