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Bicycle Lights



Tonight was my last night at work. It was the last night i would ever have to make that three mile ride through near pitch-black dark. I was going to ride on the far side of SR 70 since the side i normally ride on is having some work done on it in some places.


However, yesterday I learned that despite my mom's request to have the 22nd off was not just granted, it was also forgotten and she got scheduled anyway. What this means to me is I have to be up at 8:30 am on wednesday to get the uhaul truck so i can pack all my stuff and move. To accomplish this feat, i knew i was going to need help resetting my sleep cycle, so instead of just riding home on the nearside of the road I crossed it to go into the grocery store and purchase some over the counter sleeping pills. Seems like a fair plan right? I certainly thought so.


So I leave the store, get back on my bike and head back home on the far side of the road. The thing is, it is on this stretch of road between the grocery store and the main street through my neighborhood that there is no light to speak of save that from passing cars. The side walk also bends around these huge power poles. It was as i was coming around such a pole that it happened.


I had about a half a second to realize what was going to happen and just enough time to call out "Oh Shit!" - the same as the other guy did, before the two of us collided. A couple minutes later, both of us a little shocked at our sudden collision and recovering from this most unfortunate surprise, we made our ways back up on to our legs and looked ourselves over. He mentioned his leg had been cut, but be damned if either of us could see to tell how badly. My hand took a bad hit but as i could still bend all my fingers well enough I knew nothing was broken or too out of place. I also had taken a hit to the jaw and now its so sore I can barely open my mouth without pain. My wrist is also very sore. I have applied a cold compress to the swelling/sore areas and hopefully it won't screw me up so bad that i can't start work on saturday after I move. Similarly, I'm hoping like mad that i can still bear to pack all my stuff into the moving truck.


I'd like to point out that this could have all been avoided if that lying witch of a boss my mom has had not lied to her and scheduled her even though she had asked and been approved for having my moving day off, I would be perfectly healthy instead of bleeding from several laceration and it would not be questionable whether I can start work on saturday.


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Well, I hope you heal soon. Take care. :hug:

Former Member


Hope your feeling better :hug:

*rubs your wrist*

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