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DC (and boredom)...



First things first - Dan and I are going to the Inauguration and if anyone wants to meet up for lunch on Saturday, Jan 17th in DC, I started a thread.


Overall, my health has been going pretty well. I'm in the hospital right now - got here last Thursday for my "A2" round and I should get out tomorrow night. My next "stay" won't be until Dec 29th (so I will be here for New Years for the "B2" round). But the nice thing is I should be fully functional during Christmas time - and Dan and I are looking at going to Disneyland for the holiday.


This last month has been a bit tough - the "A" round of drugs has been good - not a lot of side-effects and the minors ones I have I know how to deal with now. But the "B" round, ugh - afterwards everyday was a bit different with most of it filled with huge fatigue and just getting up to eat and immediately going back to bed. And part of it, made me feel so useless and bleh - Dan helped A TON with my mood and I know, it's part of going through chemo and on the good side, also shows that the drugs ARE actually doing what they need to (my blood numbers keep coming back really well). So - ya, have to get through it, and totally horrible but CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS ALL TO END! Heh ;-)


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I'm so glad you posted an update, Trebs. I was wondering how you were doing. (How's Dan?)


Have fun in Disneyland. Hope the holidays are good to you.


Best wishes.



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Thanks for keeping us up to date, Trebs. Have fun during the Disneyland trip. Here's hoping the treatments will get to be a little easier on you.


Take care.



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First time comment from me. I got to know about you leucimia a few weeks ago.


I'm glad that you're doing well, considering the circumstances. My best wishes for successful fight against the disease and a fest recovery.

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Good to hear that you're doing well! Sounds like you guys have some fun travel plans for the next month. I hope the airlines and the attendant hassles that go along with air travel don't tax your health much. Enjoy!

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Glad to hear you're home. Sorry about all the side effects from the meds, but I'm glad you're getting to rest. Dan sounds like he's doing a great job taking care of you - I hope Dan remembers to take care of himself as well!


Hope to see you when you're down here.

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Glad to hear that your blood numbers are coming back to where they should be Robert. Been following your blog for a while now and just getting around to commenting. Have fun in Disneyland

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:) Best of luck with the treatment Trebs, have a safe and wonderful trip in DC, my best to both of you!
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Thank you to all - esp my non-GA friends who made accounts here to follow da blog :-)


The past few days since I got on Wednesday night have basically had me in bed or on the couch the whole time. I've got some condition where standing (or worse sitting) causes a tension headache that just keeps growing - almost to a blinding stage. The WEIRD aspect is as SOON as I lay day, it starts going way, and other than "recovering" from having had the pain, it can be all gone in a minute. As long as I stay laying down, I'm ok. I thought it was tied to getting two drugs intrathecally (sp? - well, means injected into the base of the spinal column). That happened on Tues afternoon so I called the doctor on Friday to check if three days of having this was excessive - um, no... he had been more wondering when I might start having NORMAL chemo reactions... So far, I've just been sooo fortunate to have very minimal side-effects. But he said this one (and had some condition name that made me think of spiders - "arachni-blah-blah condition") was a normal thing, and could go on for a week, so no worries at this point.


I have a follow up with him tomorrow (Monday) and other than being vertical, life's not been too bad. And for anyone who went to the DC Get-Together thread, I updated it today with a poll...

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