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It's been awhile... so I figured I would let you guys know whats going on with me of late.


Recently, the weather's been getting nicer so I figured what better way to get back into shape then by biking to and from places while I wait to save up for my car. It would be a lot better (and quicker) to get to and from the train station (compare a 10 minute bike ride to that of a 30 min walk). I could use it to go places quicker and well, it would be better. Unfortunatly, lady luck decided to recently cast me with a case of bad luck. Since i'm not in school right now, my student loans came due and on top of that, my medical bills of late are still there. I've been looking around for second hand bikes and such, but no luck. Even the Wal-Mart by me has their cheapest bike at 100 bucks or so. Out of my price range right now. It's funny though, I've been thinking about starting a "Save Eric's Sanity Fund" (since these bills are making me crazy) webpage and ask for donations from people using paypal, but I'm not that desperate.... yet... lol...


On a lighter note, I've decided to resurect my drag queen side and make an appearance at my boyfriends 21st Birthday party. Brandi Fyerce will be making an appearance because of a plan that me and my friends worked out. As far as Matt knows, I'll be working that night and unable to attend his birthday. Well, I got that night off and decided to suprise him that way. Well, after looking at the crazy Brit Brit pics (you know, the ones where she shaved her head and donned the infamous pink wig?) I was inspired to bring back Brandi Fyerce, albeit a bit tuned down, since we will be in a restaurant where she makes her appearance. My plan is to turn it out a little for the children and for Matt especially since he never saw my super Queen side of me lol.


Speaking of Matt, things are going really well between me and him. We're coming up on our 6 month anniversary and we're loving every minute of it. He's been there for me so much, I couldn't ask for anyone better then him.


I've been doing a bit of writing on some more random topics, mainly trying my hand at different genres and seeing where I go with that. It came to my mind that if I write something as good as the hosted authors here, maybe I could find someone to publish it and make some money off of it, i'm not talking about thousands of dollars, but at least something to help out with the bills a little.


Gah there I go, about the bills again! *Smacks self* Bad Eric BAD!


Other then that, Work and World of Warcraft have taken over my life. Yea, sad I know.


Hmmm... Oh!


I kinda put my smoking and coffee addiction aside for good. I'm on the nicotine patch and it's helping and the coffee is gone as well, replaced by tea. I'm trying to make myself healthier and get back in shape.


That's it... see ya all's around!


Eric :)


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Coffee isn't exactly all gone but just not as much which is good :)


And you better remember to show us the me and a few others the pictures brit brit :P



EricA! You're on the patch? :) YAY! And aww, bills suck ass...


And yeah, Brandi Fyerce better be pictured for all of GA to see. :) I hope you have fun.



I am sure it would be a sight to behold.

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