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Borderline stalking?



After getting a few items from the pool supply store, I was walking to my car and my gym crush drives by me. I've had a crush on him for the better part of 3 years now.


He has just finished shopping at Trader Joes (10 pts for shopping at Trader Joe's :wub: ). It's a little scary that I recognized him so easily as he was wearing his sunglasses, but I do know what his car looks like.


Well, I hurry into my car and I end up a few cars behind him at a stop light. Where I should have been turning left, I decide to follow him as he turns right. I was just curious as to where he lived, so I followed him for about a mile or so. He turned onto this road where there was an apartment complex on the left, and then houses on the right. I happened to live in that apartment complex for about 9 months a couple years ago (when I split up with my ex).


Common sense and a healthy fear of getting caught finally took over and I stopped following him. I mean, I have a general idea where he lives now :D .


So would this be considered stalking? I only ended up driving about 4 miles out of my way just to be close to him :wub: .


On another note, I hit my weight goal a couple weeks ago, yay! I'm back at 160lbs.


I also have upped my running in the mornings to 6.2 miles (10km) Double yay! I'm still running every morning and my knees haven't given out on my, so I'm happy about that.


Since I hit my goal, I'm not doing 3-a-days everyday. It's more like 3 one day and then 2 the next. I'll hopefully get down to 2-a-days soon.


Take Care,




P.S. - It's good to see some old faces stop by back at GA...jared (redlightfeeling), matthew, etc. Glad you guys stop by occasionally :)


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So what kind of car does he drive? (Meaning how well can you describe it?)


Congrats on the weight loss!

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So would this be considered stalking?


Of course not...unless you plan to make it a daily habit.

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It is stalking! You are a freak! :D:D


You haven't like carved his name into the skin of your arm or anything, right?


If not, then you should be okay.


Congrats on the weight loss, it must feel great to be where you want to be.

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So what kind of car does he drive? (Meaning how well can you describe it?)


Grey two-door Honda Accord, black trim, at least 5-6 years old. Not the fancy-est of cars, but that justs means he's not a material person needing the latest & greatest car. He's wise with his money not putting himself into debt.


No bumper stickers and he didn't have any stickers or parking tags to identify where he worked.


Oh, I also took the opportunity to memorize his license plate number 0:) .

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So what kind of car does he drive? (Meaning how well can you describe it?)


Grey two-door Honda Accord, black trim, at least 5-6 years old. Not the fancy-est of cars, but that justs means he's not a material person needing the latest & greatest car. He's wise with his money not putting himself into debt.


No bumper stickers and he didn't have any stickers or parking tags to identify where he worked.


Oh, I also took the opportunity to memorize his license plate number 0:) .


Suddenly the movie "Play Misty for Me" comes to mind.

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Oh, I also took the opportunity to memorize his license plate number 0:) .


I think this last bit bumped you into stalkerhood. Join the club! jk

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LOL, you guys will be singing another tune if he ever happens to mug Vic.


Officer: "Can you describe him?"


Vic: "Yes, and I can also give you his license plate number and street address."





Congrats on the good health and successful "research," Vic :D



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LOL, you guys will be singing another tune if he ever happens to mug Vic.


Officer: "Can you describe him?"


Vic: "Yes, and I can also give you his license plate number and street address."



Congrats on the good health and successful "research," Vic :D




The mugging:


Hot Guy: Hey. Put your hands on that wall and bend over.

Vic: OK

Hot Guy: Where do you keep your wallet?

Vic: *giggles* You'll just have to dig around for it.

Hot Guy: Damn, you are really thin and in shape. God, what a cute ass.

Vic: *giggles more*

Hot Guy: You want to continue this mugging at my place?

Vic: *giggles again..starting to sound like an idiot* Sure.

Hot Guy: OK. Follow me.

Vic: No problem. I already know where you live. I even stole the key from under the front mat and had a copy made.

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lol memorizing the license plate :) I don't think it's stalking unless you start following him EVERYWHERE every second of the day. You went for a little adventure a little trip. it's the small things that keep us happy.


Just don't turn into Edward Cullen when the Prey that your stalking realizes your everywhere and you say "I'm really possessive of you"


Maybe your "research" as Kevin put it is on to something that if we want a man in our lives we have to start finding out things about them and follow them around everywhere to see if we are compatible?


Remember though to drive a plenty of cars behind and give them enough time at the lights and stuff to turn. You don't have any identifiable things on your truck like bumper stickers and such ?

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Hot Guy: Hey. Put your hands on that wall and bend over.

Vic: OK

Hot Guy: Where do you keep your wallet?

Vic: *giggles* You'll just have to dig around for it.

Hot Guy: Damn, you are really thin and in shape. God, what a cute ass.

Vic: *giggles more*

Hot Guy: You want to continue this mugging at my place?

Vic: *giggles again..starting to sound like an idiot* Sure.

Hot Guy: OK. Follow me.

Vic: No problem. I already know where you live. I even stole the key from under the front mat and had a copy made.


:D You know me too well Mark

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Hot Guy: Hey. Put your hands on that wall and bend over.

Vic: OK

Hot Guy: Where do you keep your wallet?

Vic: *giggles* You'll just have to dig around for it.

Hot Guy: Damn, you are really thin and in shape. God, what a cute ass.

Vic: *giggles more*

Hot Guy: You want to continue this mugging at my place?

Vic: *giggles again..starting to sound like an idiot* Sure.

Hot Guy: OK. Follow me.

Vic: No problem. I already know where you live. I even stole the key from under the front mat and had a copy made.


:D You know me too well Mark


To know you is to love you. :wub:

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