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In Dreams...



I had an odd dream last night. Well, not so much odd, for me, as unexpected.


For some reason whenever I dream about a home, it's always my aunts house. The one I moved out of some 5 years ago now. It does not matter if the home is supposed to be my home, or someone elses home it's always that particular house.


Anyhow I dreamt1 of it again last night. In this incarnation, it was not my home, nor was it my aunts home;it was the home of a guy I was interested in. He seemed happy, content even. Hell, I was happy. Just something seemed off about it. I don't know if it was the familiarity of the house. Maybe it was being in that moment, when the moment can't exist outside of Nod's realm. Maybe it was the older man two rooms away. He said nothing to me, just watched like a lion in the grass, and a thin whisp of cigarette smoke.


I don't know what the symbology of this all means. I could venture a guess or two, or simply say: a dream is a wish your heart makes... I dunno though, that all seems so cut and dry, the dream seems more complicated then that.


In other news...


I've been chatting with this guy, It's become clear that he is more interested in me than I am in him. I don't want to be a dick and say yeah this isn't gonna go anywhere, but sometimes we have to be a dick to get our point across yes?





1 For all you grammar nazis I checked and dreamt is an acceptable past tense term for dream, so is dreamed... that one just sounds ill educated to me for some reason.


... I've been in school too long if I'm including foot notes on blog posts.


Recommended Comments

C James


Dreams are odd things. IMHO, somethings they are meaningful, otherwise, just random. Recurrence is oft meaningful though, so I'd say there is something about your Aunt's house.


1 For all you grammar nazis I checked and dreamt is an acceptable past tense term for dream, so is dreamed... that one just sounds ill educated to me for some reason.


Sorry I can't resist; but its "Nazis" not Nazi's". The apostrophe makes it possessive. :P:P:P



I have no idea what you are talking about 0:)



I'm not so sure about the 'have to be a dick' thing... maybe just 'have to be honest' might do the trick. Either way, good luck. It's no fun having to let someone down like that.

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