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Presidential Debate


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There are three days that stand out iun my mind. Bad days that is.


The first one was when JFK got shot.


The second one was when they announced that Nixon was being impeached. I was in France at the time and the news was delivered to me by a local with great glee. If that man only new how close he came to meeting his maker that day. The news was bad enough, but the way he rejoiced in it made me sick.


9/11 I walked around in a daze for several days after that one-.


Now to open a bag of worms. Here in the US that is.


Elections are coming.


This will not be a long drawn out post.


Now I can not say I am a great bush backer. I do think that he does done some things wrong and for the wrong reasons..


But basically if we keep bush in office the war on terorism stays in the middle east, vote for kerry and then we fight them right here. Some food for thought.

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It would probably be best not to discuss that here Sparhawk, though I think you are quite right. Bush certainly pisses me off catering to the religious right bigots on the gay issue, but overall, I trust him one hell of a lot more with the War on Terror. Kerry seems to think that the $200 billion spent on the War on Terror would have been better spent on education. WTF? We be educated, but we be dead. Good Job.

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It would probably be best not to discuss that here Sparhawk, though I think you are quite right.  Bush certainly pisses me off catering to the religious right bigots on the gay issue, but overall, I trust him one hell of a lot more with the War on Terror.  Kerry seems to think that the $200 billion spent on the War on Terror would have been better spent on education.  WTF?  We be educated, but we be dead.  Good Job.



I was driving to work that morning three years ago and thought it was a joke by the radio DJ's (they were known for wild jokes). Then I got to work in time to watch the towers collapse and knew it wasn't a joke. Like the Shuttle Challenger exploding, the first time I was shot at, and many other major events in my life, I'll always remember where I was and the initial feelings.


I've been doing a LOT of thinking over the last few months, and a lot of studying on terrorists and believe now that neither Bush nor Kerry can win the war on terror with their current or proposed tactics. To be blunt, the invasion of Afghanistan was spot on, and the invasion of Iraq undid all the good done by our troops going into Afghanistan.


Iraq had turned into a hotbed of terrorism, and now provides those who would kill our people with reasons, training, and money. All across the middle east there are madras schools teaching large amounts of children that we are the servants of satan and must be killed, and they show pictures of our troops torturing prisoners, shooting crowds of children (as happened just a few days ago when those children surrounded a damaged humvee and tried to stone the surviving troops inside), and corpses of women and children being carried out of bombed-out houses in Fallujah.


Education is key to the war on Terror, and we are providing our foes with all the education they need to bring up their young on a spearhead of holy war. These children will be the suicide bombers in Iraq, in Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and some day even here. They will have been raised with images of our soldiers killing their women and children in Iraq as we went after insurgents, and they will hate us even more than they do now.


Don't mistake what I'm saying. Most of the women and children being killed in Iraq are guilty of supporting the Insurgents if not downright participating like those in the crowd around the damaged vehicle in Baghdad. Those dying every time we bomb the houses in Fallujah or cooking the food for the insurgents, washing their clothes, and cleaning their weapons for them. Except for the really young ones, they aren't really innocent, they are part of the war effort.


This is the end result of the Bush invasion in Iraq: Increased hatred and terrorism against the US, both now and in the future. We have given those calling for Jihad all the images they need to convince more and more of their people that it is necessary, and those images will drown out every school built, every hospital supplied with medicine, and every sewage plant completed. They won't care they can safely drink tap water when they are scared we will blow them up tomorrow.


Continuing the path we are on now, when we stand nearly alone on the main stage, is going to hurt us in ways we cannot imagine. We didn't have this problem in Afghanistan because of several things, including: 1) We went in with more than one FIRST-World nation at our back (Germany is there, as is France and other major European countries), 2) The country was ready for change and willing to welcome anyone who was not considered a 'main' enemy. If Russia had tried to go into Afghanistan, the entire countryside would have erupted much the way we are seeing with Iraq. Why? Because Afghanistan hasn't forgotten years and years of war with the old Soviet Union.


Just like Iraqis remember the Gulf War and over a decade of sanctions and bombings in the no-fly zone.


It's a very messy situation, and I'm afraid there's only going to be one answer now for our country, because of the Iraq invasion. The answer is a scary one: Genocide. We have to be ready to commit Genocide against an entire race because they are becoming more and more united in their hatred of us. Hopefully we'd never have to finish it, but we'd have to be ready to start it and carry it through.


Japan was ready to fight us to the last breath on their islands, until we showed them that we were ready to kill every last one of their people before we invaded. When they surrendered, they knew it was either that or see their entire race and homeland destroyed. Our new enemies don't think that will ever happen to them, so they will continue to fight, and fight, and fight, no matter what we do. Let them see that they face imminent destruction as a people, and see what it brings.

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Well,it looks like some political posts are allowed.It is beyond belief anyone would believe that BS about America being a safer place with bush as president.This is the worse prsident in a century.My teacher says bush's so called Homeland Security is a prelude to a vast internal secret police.As for the war on terrorism staying in the Middle East,there would'nt be a need for a war on terrorism if the U.S. stayed out of the WHOLE Middle East.


There are three days that stand out iun my mind.  Bad days that is.


The first  one was when JFK got shot. 


The second one was when  they announced that Nixon was being impeached.  I was in France at the time and the news was delivered to me by a local with great glee.  If that man only new how close he came to meeting his maker that day.  The news was bad enough, but the way he rejoiced in it made me sick.


9/11  I walked around in a daze for several days after that one-.


Now to open a bag of worms.  Here in the US that is.


Elections are coming.


This will not be a long drawn out post.


Now I can not say I am a great bush backer.  I do think that he does done some things wrong and for the wrong reasons.. 


But basically if we keep bush in office the war on terorism stays in the middle east, vote for kerry and then we fight them right here.  Some food for thought.

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  • Site Administrator
Well,it looks like some political posts are allowed.It is beyond belief anyone would believe that BS about America being a safer place with bush as president.This is the worse prsident in a century.My teacher says bush's so called Homeland Security is a prelude to a vast internal secret police.As for the war on terrorism staying in the Middle East,there would'nt be a need for a war on terrorism if the U.S. stayed out of the WHOLE Middle East.

You're teacher is a paranoid leftwing nut. And Homeland Security department was pushed down the throat of President Bush by the democrats in Congress.

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I can't seem to split this topic right now due to a bug in the software. So I'm closing it until I can upgrade the board and fix it.

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