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Pray for my Family

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Well, guys, I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 16 of Vampire Jarred. Things here aren't going too good at all. Aunt Carol has been in the hospital for about two weeks now. She went a little lunatic crazy straight out of the blue and we've been trying to figure out what was wrong.


At first they thought she'd had another stroke. Then they weren't sure what was wrong. Finally the MRI revealed a partially blocked Carotid artery. (That's the big one going from the heart to the brain.) She has been scheduled to have surgery four times so far and until tonight they were cancelled and postponed due to overbooked doctors. It finally happened tonight (only four hours later than scheduled). She got into recovery and ICU just fine with a projected release date of either late tomorrow or Saturday.


A half hour ago, we were getting ready for bed (I had to bring paternal grandmother and Aunt Carol's daughter Michelle home before going to check and make sure the grandparents with Alzheimer's made it to bed ok) when the hospital called. The ICU staff detected a clot in her artery and Carol is now being rushed into emergency surgery before it kills her. The hospital is in Turlock, twenty miles away.


Now, Grandma Kirk has been extremely stressed out. Carol is her only surviving child (My dad died in 2000, Aunt Beverly in 2002). She's been frantic about going to the hospital and visiting even though she herself isn't in too good of a physical shape and smells just horrible because she can't control her bladder and doesn't clean herself properly. Michelle is stressed out too and part of her wants to drive 25 minutes to the hospital and stay up all night worrying there, but then Grandma would want to go and we'd likely have to hospitalize HER after this was all over. So, I've taken the burden and risk and decided we would NOT inform Grandma of the emergency surgery until the morning. Michelle can't drive (She's forty and never bothered to get her license), so she's stuck here waiting for the Doctor to call as soon as the surgery is over.


Oh, and while I was typing this I just got a call from Ceres PD. Papa's wandered off again and was just found by a cruiser about a 1/2 mile from the house. He's being combative so I have to go pick him up. Pray for my family, my friends, and pray that I don't just give up...I never want to grow old now...

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Oh dear, there seem to be so many people with problems at the moment, but never fear Dan, we will keep you in mind and prayers just as much as anyone else.


I think you are doing a fantastic job as it is. I'm not sure I would cope as well as you, and there must have been many moments you were tempted to just give in. Keep going if you can mate, you are doing just fine. I hope some more help comes your way soon.


I think you doing just :great:

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Thanks, my friends. Word this morning is that Aunt Carol came through the emergency surgery just fine. She's on a respirator for the morning but should be taken off anytime now. For now, it's back to the other grandparents and to see what new challenges Alzheimer's will pose for us today!


Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. They really are appreciated.

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