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Alexander the... Drama Queen?

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:great: I can remember in HS, in the 70's, our teacher talkin about Alexander the Great having a boy friend. It was, after all, the greek way. I read another article today about a bunch of greeks pissed because of the new stone movie and are sueing. If you wanta stir people up just bring up the idea of someone famous being gay. :devil:0:)
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:lol: It's really amusing when someone totally homophobic sings the praise of a historical figure who was undoubtedly gay, and then screams when someone suggests it openly.


It's a bit like Lewis Caroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' being hailed as a literary classic, when the guy was quite oviously bang into cannabis and magic mushrooms. :blink:


Why can't people just live and let live? Beats me. Ok, there are some obvious practical limits, which involve and prevent others getting hurt as a result, but they that do protest too much - make me wonder sometimes!! :wacko:

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