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There is a new spoiler tag if you want to hide something. You would then hilight it to see it.


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This is where you would learn that Harry isn't the one that died at the end of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


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Another great feature of this is when linking whole bodys of text



Faust. I've studied now Philosophy

And Jurisprudence, Medicine,

And even, alas! Theology

All through and through with ardour keen!

Here now I stand, poor fool, and see

I'm just as wise as formerly.

Am called a Master, even Doctor too,

And now I've nearly ten years through

Pulled my students by their noses to and fro

And up and down, across, about,

And see there's nothing we can know!

That all but burns my heart right out.

True, I am more clever than all the vain creatures,

The Doctors and Masters, Writers and Preachers;

No doubts plague me, nor scruples as well.

I'm not afraid of devil or hell.

To offset that, all joy is rent from me.

I do not imagine I know aught that's right;

I do not imagine I could teach what might

Convert and improve humanity.

Nor have I gold or things of worth,

Or honours, splendours of the earth.

No dog could live thus any more!

So I have turned to magic lore,

To see if through the spirit's power and speech

Perchance full many a secret I may reach,

So that no more with bitter sweat

I need to talk of what I don't know yet,

So that I may perceive whatever holds

The world together in its inmost folds,

See all its seeds, its working power,

And cease word-threshing from this hour.

Oh, that, full moon, thou didst but glow

Now for the last time on my woe,

Whom I beside this desk so oft

Have watched at midnight climb aloft.

Then over books and paper here

To me, sad friend, thou didst appear!

Ah! could I but on mountain height

Go onward in thy lovely light,

With spirits hover round mountain caves,

Weave over meadows thy twilight laves,

Discharged of all of Learning's fumes, anew

Bathe me to health in thy healing dew.

Woe! am I stuck and forced to dwell

Still in this musty, cursed cell?

Where even heaven's dear light strains

But dimly through the painted panes!

Hemmed in by all this heap of books,

Their gnawing worms, amid their dust,

While to the arches, in all the nooks,

Are smoke-stained papers midst them thrust,

Boxes and glasses round me crammed,

And instruments in cases hurled,

Ancestral stuff around me jammed-

That is your world! That's called a world!

And still you question why your heart

Is cramped and anxious in your breast?

Why each impulse to live has been repressed

In you by some vague, unexplained smart?

Instead of Nature's living sphere

In which God made mankind, you have alone,

In smoke and mould around you here,

Beasts' skeletons and dead men's bone.

Up! Flee! Out into broad and open land!

And this book full of mystery,

From Nostradamus' very hand,

Is it not ample company?

The stars' course then you'll understand

And Nature, teaching, will expand

The power of your soul, as when

One spirit to another speaks. 'Tis vain

To think that arid brooding will explain

The sacred symbols to your ken.

Ye spirits, ye are hovering near;

Oh, answer me if ye can hear!


[ He opens the book and perceives the sign of the Macrocosm.]


What rapture, ah! at once is flowing

Through all my senses at the sight of this!

I feel a youthful life, its holy bliss,

Through nerve and vein run on, new-glowing.

Was it a god who wrote these signs that still

My inner tumult and that fill

My wretched heart with ecstasy?

Unveiling with mysterious potency

The powers of Nature round about me here?

Am I a god? All grows so clear to me!

In these pure lineaments I see

Creative Nature's self before my soul appear.

Now first I understand what he, the sage, has said:

"The world of spirits is not shut away;

Thy sense is closed, thy heart is dead!

Up, Student! bathe without dismay

Thy earthly breast in morning-red!"


[ He contemplates the sign.]


Into the whole how all things blend,

Each in the other working, living!

How heavenly powers ascend, descend,

Each unto each the golden vessels giving!

On pinions fragrant blessings bringing,

From Heaven through Earth all onward winging,

Through all the All harmonious ringing!

What pageantry! Yet, ah, mere pageantry!

Where shall I, endless Nature, seize on thee?

Thy breasts are - where? Ye, of all life the spring,

To whom both Earth and Heaven cling,

Toward whom the withering breast doth strain-

Ye gush, ye suckle, and shall I pine thus in vain?


[ He turns the book over impatiently and perceives the sign of the EARTH-SPIRIT.





You don't force people to have to read through it if you don't want, ps above is Von Goeth's Faust, or part of it anyhow. well If it worked anyhow... ;)

Thanks for your continued hard work Myr.

Edited by Strangersagain
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  • Site Administrator


Harry Potter is gay



I think that it will come in handy for a few things. Some people don't like reading spoilers, but still like reading comments before they start a story, for example.

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