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The Real Reason Straight Americans Can't Accept Gay Americans


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Wow!! That's all I can say!! It sure has some good points... anti-feminist, testosterone man etc. I like the quote from the various versions of the Bible the most... how they leave out th real "kissing" part..

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What an original article <_<


It's just the same old crap, rehashed and put into moderately new wording. If you thought that the average, non-evangelical American disliked gays because of what the Bible said, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.



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It was an interesting article. However, I personally wasn't that crazy about it as an article. I think it would have made an excellent blog, and I suppose it does work as an opinion piece, but overall I do think it's too biased to be considered a fair article. The author also presents all of his opinions subjectively as opinions. Now it seems downright ridiculous for me, "Mr. I don't really care about science or objectivity", to be complaining about this, but it really would have been nice if it had had some research or scientific basis. It also might have benefited from a bit more editing.


The other thing I would point out about it is that it focuses a bit too heavily on the negative (of course I realize that was the point and based on the title that should be obvious). I'd have preferred a little more mention of how things are getting better. It also seemed very apparent the opinions expressed were based heavily on the writer's own personal feelings and experiences.


Anyway, like I said, it was very interesting, I agreed with quite a few points, and it would fit very well as someone's blog entry, or as a non-objective opinion piece. I would hate to have an article of this type distributed widely, however, because it does reek of propaganda.


Didn't mean to come off overly critical of it, just playing "devil's advocate" I suppose.

Anyway take care all and have a great day!


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