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Forum Purpose and Rules

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This forum is to members to post questions related to relationships, computers, life in general, or anything you'd like and get answers from other members. This is much like the Teen Forum, but for everyone to post and ask questions.


- Under no circumstances should someone who is under the legal age of consent provide personal contact information to someone they meet online.

- Please do not post personally-identifying information, such as your name, address, or school's name, in any posts in the Forum. This is a general rule, but because of the somewhat personal nature of the forum, it needs repeating.

- Under no circumstances should an adult attempt to meet with a minor. Violators of this rule will be turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

- Gay Authors hopes to provide a safe and anonymous environment for everyone. Topics can and will likely be frank. Harassment will not be tolerated at all.

- If you feel uncomfortable because a person has approached you, please PM a Moderator or Administrator.


I took most of these from the Teen Forum and revised them a bit as they apply here as well. Please be curteous to other members. This isn't a place to rant and complain. That's what blogs are for (as I do so quite frequently). If you have a serious question and didn't know where to ask it, this would be the place. Other members will respond and try to provide help and answers as best they can. If you don't like someone's answer or idea, then just ignore it and move on.


Thanks to Vic for the idea of this Forum :)



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