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Creating A Patronus

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I dug out my old Harry Potter Book - Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban and when I got to the part where Lupin was teaching Harry how to create a Patronus, I realized that I don't remember a happy enough thought to create a strong Patronus. And I was wondering, what would be your happiest thought for creating a Patronus?

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First, awesome topic :2thumbs:


Second, and trust me I fully recognize and own how totally and completely sappy and sickening this is gonna sound, pretty much any memory of me and my boyfriend cuddling or being close would do it. I get deliriously happy over a good cuddle. Plus there are a lot of memories I have of times when I know I was happy but I can't connect the feeling with the memory. Like, I know I was happy when I got got my black belt in Tae Kwon Do but when I think about it I can't remember how it felt. Thinking about cuddles? Total sappy grin giddiness.

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My patronus memory is probably a xmas gift I got. I was 15 and picked up a box from under the tree that was either going to be jewelry or a tie and I was dreading opening it. I got the top off and pushed aside the tissue paper .. and there was some kind of brochure inside.


I recognized the brochure from earlier in the fall when my baseball coach passed them out. Inside were two tickets to a week in Florida at baseball camp, with my dad. I whirled around so fast it's a wonder I didn't get dizzy and all I can remember saying is "You mean it?" over and over again and my parents laughing and smiling.


We weren't rich growing up and I knew when I'd asked my parents to go that they'd say no. I came to find out only this past year that my grandmother gave my dad the money. She never seemed to like me and I wish I'd known in time to thank her before she died. Those days with my dad in Florida were some of the best days of my life.

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