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I wrote a rather lengthy post about how this kid has shown himself to be a pathetic attention whore. But I figured that would get all the bleeding hearts riled up, so I decided not to even bother. :P

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Okay, so admittedly I haven't followed this on a minute by minute basis, but I don't get why any one thinks he faked anything.


He lives rather near my parents and the local paper has covered the story along with ABC and neither mentions that there was anything incorrect in the first video.


OC Register: Lake Forest Teen Goes Viral


Mother of Jonah Mowry


I do think everyone has a responsibility to take matters into their own hands when they are being bullied. I can see in some parts of the country where a school administration might shrug at a gay kid, or any kid for that matter, being bullied, but not in coastal So Cal. The schools are very supportive of gay kids and have almost draconian programs against bullying, but you have to let someone know it is happening. Since he had been cutting himself from an early age my guess he has more problems than his sexuality and he needed to tell someone about what was going on in his life.


And the "everyone has a responsibility" includes his friends. If his friends knew he was cutting, they didn't do him any favors by not telling an adult they trusted.

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I agree with you Private Tim.


Think back when you were fourteen. Everything was the biggest thing in your life. If a person said something mean to you, you equated it to everyone hates you.


As mentioned in one of the articles, his family helped him script the second video. I would imagine when you feel the world is crashing down on you and all of a sudden you have the world's attention including people like Ricky Martin, you would be on cloud nine.


I don't doubt the original video for how he was feeling at the moment.


Still a brave and gutsy thing to do to share it with everyone.

Edited by wildone
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Think back when you were fourteen. Everything was the biggest thing in your life. If a person said something mean to you, you equated it to everyone hates you.


Sooooooo....in other words, it was bullshit.

1 person says something mean...and he goes all seppuku

I want to vomit now

I hope you are not implying that blowing hardcore melodrama should actually be acceptable


As mentioned in one of the articles, his family helped him script the second video. I would imagine when you feel the world is crashing down on you and all of a sudden you have the world's attention including people like Ricky Martin, you would be on cloud nine.


You're right

But I also believe that how a person reacts to attention says something about his or her character and quality.

needless to say more


I don't doubt the original video for how he was feeling at the moment.


Still a brave and gutsy thing to do to share it with everyone.


It's amazing how different people's attitude on this can be.

His original video may or may not be his true feelings but taking into consideration of what you have said above with 14 year olds having the tendency to blow everything out of proportion and then take whatever attention is given to them and run with it, it's not exactly inspiring.


As your your last bit about bravery and guts....yea, quite a few in your age bracket seem to believe so, so maybe it's a generational thing because unconditional compassion does seem to come with age and especially if you have kids yourself. But it's funny because like Matt said, pathetic and attention seeking is what I'm thinking instead. I see nothing brave about it. Gutsy for sure, because I'm almost certain he's gonna get his ass kicked by someone, and I hope so.

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As your your last bit about bravery and guts....yea, quite a few in your age bracket seem to believe so, so maybe it's a generational thing because unconditional compassion does seem to come with age and especially if you have kids yourself. But it's funny because like Matt said, pathetic and attention seeking is what I'm thinking instead. I see nothing brave about it. Gutsy for sure, because I'm almost certain he's gonna get his ass kicked by someone, and I hope so.


And maybe it is 'age bracket' thing. Neither of us are right or wrong..........I hope.


Maybe people of my age do have compassion and willing to give the benefit of the doubt to someone so young and maybe...naive? I read anger in your reply but I don't understand it. I don't think you will be able to convince me that I should understand it and agree with it. He didn't personally harm you, he didn't personally single you out. Yes maybe he made you feel for him, but what cost did that cost you?


You say it doesn't come with age, unconditional compassion, but would your parents turn their back on you and disown you for posting a video of how you felt at a moment of time? Maybe it is my unconditional compassion but I hope your parents wouldn't.


I just think it is blown out of proportion on what he did was a horrible, evil thing, or just a thing.

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And maybe it is 'age bracket' thing. Neither of us are right or wrong..........I hope.


Maybe people of my age do have compassion and willing to give the benefit of the doubt to someone so young and maybe...naive? I read anger in your reply but I don't understand it. I don't think you will be able to convince me that I should understand it and agree with it. He didn't personally harm you, he didn't personally single you out. Yes maybe he made you feel for him, but what cost did that cost you?


You say it doesn't come with age, unconditional compassion, but would your parents turn their back on you and disown you for posting a video of how you felt at a moment of time? Maybe it is my unconditional compassion but I hope your parents wouldn't.


I just think it is blown out of proportion on what he did was a horrible, evil thing, or just a thing.


No, neither of us are right nor wrong, it's simply a matter of individual judgement

My intention with the response was not exactly to discredit you, and I apologize if I sounded more abrasive than I should have been. Of course it cost me. I covered it in my last post. I suppose a large part of my irritation of this whole thing points to myself in wondering why I even bothered to let it affect me in the first place. To "feel for" someone is a form of valuable emotional commodity. I don't like to waste mine on losers. (sorry, I'll be nicer once finals are over)


I said unconditional compassion does perhaps come with age.


Anyways, as far as my parents go, they will most likely have a big ole "wtf" moment if they see a similar video of me, and not in a good way. My parents raised me on a foundation of love and support that is not in the form of mush. They never tolerated bullshit from me and consequently, I never tolerated bullshit from myself. Of course I've had convos with them back in middle school where I was all like "kids at school are so mean sometimes..." but idk how they did it but they made me realize it was "ok". My mom told me a funny story once of her when she was like 8...boys in her class use to pull her hair and make fun of her all the time. One day she ended up beating one of them's ass, like made him bleed and all, and they never bothered her again. My 4 uncles have never been more proud of their lil sis.


Anyways, sure, I cry, and I've cried in front of my mom and dad but if I ever let bad things in my life affect me enough to do something absurd, that'll be a big middle finger to my parents who have taught me better. This is off topic to the main discussion, but I just wanted make that clear, since you did ask.


But yea, what he did wasn't really horrible or evil...it was just stupid. Haha as much as I talk about it on here, I don't go around making comments on it at all, I'm more of just "whatever..." about it. But if you wanted a good answer from me in terms of what I 'really' think. Well, you got it.

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