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Look which Doctor Who star may be up for a Star Wars VII role


Rumor is there’s a Doctor Who star who may be up for a Star Wars: Episode VII role. Want to see who it is?
According to Bleeding Cool, there’s a rumor (coming from a well-placed source, no less) that Doctor Who's Eleventh Doctor himself, British actor Matt Smith, went in for a role in Star Wars VII.
It's not clear whether Smith has had an audition, did a screen test or just engaged in some timey-wimey chit-chat with director J.J. Abrams or George Lucas.
However, if Smith did, in fact, go in for an audition and ends up being cast in the upcoming Star Wars flick, then it’ll be an awesome case of two major sci-fi franchises colliding. Seeing a former Time Lord exchange his sonic screwdriver for a lightsaber? Now, THAT would be cool.
So, what do you guys think? If the rumor turns out to be true, do you believe that Matt Smith would make a great Jedi or even perhaps a great villain?


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