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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Any 18+ Virgins In There?


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Its only human nature to want to be loved and held. But having sex before you meet the right person, is not worth it. Yes it can be fun at the time, but afterwards, you will only feel lonelier.


This. I don't have any experienced, but I can't truly believe a one-night-stand can have the same emotional (and here I say emotional, not physical) impact as a committed relationship.


HOWEVER, sometimes a relationship doesn't come so fast. You wait years after years and nothing happens. So, in such cases, if I get an opportunity to do it with someone I trust, would that be SO bad? I mean ... I would try to refrain myself from doing anything, however I may fail to resist my temptation, it's not always that easy.




I think I know your feelings... and Please ... understand... the love rockets sometimes start one way 1st...

My partner was in love with me... he said the 1st moment he saw me...

And for me it was... like... Hmmm, interesting and certainly not ugly...


And it was because he gave me so much love.... we dated... and became a couple... and I fell in love with him after that....


for I had never felt that feeling before... being loved...


So be good and... be open to friends and who knows ... like me you will find the lover you are looking for like forever...





This is so, so sweet <3. I wish someone could love me that way too. :)


You don't need a man to satisfy your sexual needs, there are always toys :o


Now emotional needs, I want a partner too. I have been looking for 7 years now and it is difficult to find one.


With the issues of STDs and the seedy nature of anonymous sex, I still have my V card at 28 (I have broken in myself and oral on both sides, but haven't done either end in anal).


LOL, toys and porn can meet the physical need, but one doesn't want a relationship for that reason, right.

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This gives me hope. Better to find it late but a lasting one, than to find early but that does not end well ... 


However, sometimes I feel desperate to have someone beside me, to touch someone, to kiss, to put my head on his shoulder, etc. I know being desperate would only worsen the situation, but I can't help it. 


I understand that feeling as well when I was your age.

I only hope you have not to wait as long as I did... till you will find your lover...

I repressed seeking for my lover a lot of years.

For ... I had that feeling I could not be out... And I had a lot of years a terrible bad time...


So for you I hope you will have the courage to search for your lover ... more early than I did...


Dear friend, have courage and... understand there are a lot of boys like you... wanting the same.

So again have courage ... opening up to your best friends or to the guy you want...

Or devellop your gaydar... LOL


When so much older I realised I lost a lot of time...I could have been much more happy being out at a younger age...

But it is the same dilemma for you. I did not dare to take the risk at your age...


but waited until I was financially independent...

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  • 1 month later...

This is so, so sweet <3. I wish someone could love me that way too. :)


Yes it really is/was.

We had a blind date. No not by internet as it was not there at that time. He posted an add in a paper... and i reacted.

And I told a lot about myself in that letter and ... yes now I would not do that anymore... gave him my adress and tel number... and asked him to write if he was interested to write a letter 1st before contacting me... so I would already know something about him as well before he called...


OMG I was so innocent at that time and ... times were different. (OMG Now would not give my adress or mobile nr but just my e-mail...)

When he called he was so nervous...  as was I once I realised it was HIM...

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