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Imagine Question For 9/1


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There's definitely something to say about confidence being sexy! Just being comfortable in your own skin and basically being aware of the fact that you're hot when you're obviously hot! Hehehe, because, why not? Right?

However, there's a line isn't there? I mean where does cute and confident move into the realm of ego and narcissistic self love when it comes to someone that you're dating? Someone that you're trying to build a legitamite relationship with?

There's nothing wrong with someone showing off how cute or how hot they are to other people. If anything, you should be proud of having a partner that's the envy of everyone around you. But...what do you do when their popularity and their good looks become a part of who they are? Like...could you date an Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, celebrity? Would it bother you to see them showing off their abs or giving a camera smoldering eyes all the time. I mean, these are things that we have to think about in this day and age. Even if you're in love and they claim to be in love as well...would it bother you to have them constantly on display for other people who are probably just as thirsty for their attention if not more so. Maybe they're just super popular at school, or at work, or whatever. Does it make you self conscious at all? How does it make you feel, knowing that everybody absolutely loves the person that you're with...even if he swears that he's loyal to being just in love with you and you alone?

Let us know what you think! And don't worry about your answer being too long! The longer the better! I really want to hear what you have to say! Speak your mind! Maybe we can all learn something from your point of view! :)

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I would say that there's definitely a line drawn in the sand when it comes to stuff like this. I mean, I've always been a sucker for a genuine shy guy...but I don't mind a little self confidence when it comes to how cute or how cool they are. And if they spread some of that online, then I think that's great!

But, again....there's a line. If I was dating someone who actually feeds off of the validation of strangers...that's kind of a rabbit hole that never ends, you know? If I was dating someone who was constantly worried about subs and comments and likes of him being shirtless and teasing his fanbase on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis...I think I would have a few issues with that.

I mean, what are you trying to accomplish here? You're selling yourself like a product. A SEXUAL product, no less. So...what am I supposed to do with that? I think there's a level of self confidence that gets in the way of a focused relationship. At the risk of sounding 'old'...everybody seems to be selling themselves these days. Lies have become so common that nobody even calls them out on them anymore. Everybody is a used car salesman, trying to get me to buy their brand, no matter what it takes. As if I'm not going to find out the truth eventually. Why?

I'd rather be the real me than a fake somebody else. Sexy abs and all. Let me get to know who you really are inside, you know? You never know...it might just be good enough for us to run off together and be truly happy with one another! Isn't that better than falling for some fake personality and a fictional celebrity type?

I imagine that as being the loneliest existence ever. Wow...how sad is that?

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