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K /\ |\| |) R I C ?


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Hopefully this isn't considered to be off topic, but does anyone know when the next chapter of

K /\ |\| |) R I C S /\ G /\

will be comin out? I should email Kyle and ask but if someone else already knows it saves me finding his email addy lol 0:)

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  • Site Administrator

It does have a home. But I can't remember the link. I do have a copy of course...


I should give Kyle a call and see how it is coming along.

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I am lost on what that means. I have alot of links, so if you can tell me what the name of the place is I can see if I can find it or if I have it.


Pyro :-)

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Forloyn has the first 16 chapters at his old site.

17 - 20 is out there somewhere, I can't right say where (I have them, of course).


But Kyle is very busy at present, I doubt there will be new chapters of Kandrick or Re-Emergence for a while.


He could of course prove me wrong, but he isn't exactly known as a fast writer...



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  • Site Administrator

btw.. Google (and other search engines) were told to bug off in regards to that directory...


has both Kandric and Re-Emergence

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