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Best Day Ever

The Reaper

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I had a great day today. But today led me to think of another day i had two summers ago (or was it three....), it was the single best day of my life. My best friend (who moved to cali), my ex bf Kyle (who left me for a GIRL!!), and i all hung out one day (not that we didnt do that everyday that summer anyway, but okay back to the story). I remember the day like it just happened:



I woke up around 12 having an overwhelming feeling that this day was going to be a good one. Adam, right on time, called me just as i finished getting dressed. I said ill ride over (skateboard) and be there in 10 minutes. I left immediately and was there in less than two. I did this everyday so he knew id be there soon enough. Outside on his trampoline is where i found him. We jumped around for a while (backflips, frontflips mctwists, half backs...) and then hit the basketball court while his brother blasted music for us. We decided to call kyle after a landslide game against his brother in basketball. While Kyle took forever to get ready, we went swimming. Kyle came up the driveway and jumped right in, with all his clothes on leaving his bathing suit on the chair. After a few laps of jumping off the roof and the trampoline into the pool, we choose to go to the usual hangout, "The Pharmacy." Got there soon enough and did what we always did. I talked to Laurie, Tom, and Frans while Adam and Kyle stole us some food and drinks (even though we got them for free cus we knew the workers so well LOL). Then we went to the bathroom to gather up the pot. We scrambled for the sink filled with candy bars and Jones Soda's. Kyle had to go home for a while to do something. Adam and I walked back to Adams house and switched off shooting the paintball gun and mastering our skateboard. His mom soon asked us if we wanted some chicken tofu thing. We both slobbered over that then hit the TV for our usual session of Gran Tourismo. Chilled out in his room eating burgers which his brother had just brought us from good ol' Mickey D's. Got half way through a movie when strolls in Kyle. WE got up and went to the garage to chill. We opened up the garage and pulled the trampoline in front of the bball net for some block and shot (longER story). At around 7ish, we went over to the golf course to mess with the golfers (all time favorite past time for us). Adam went home while Kyle and I ate at dinner at my house. Then i went to Adams house to eat dinner again while kyle headed home for HIS dinner. We all met back up at Adams house within the next hour or so. All three of us grabbed our skateboards and rode down to The Pharmacy parking lot. We skateboarded, got into The Pharmacy building (they were closed), messed with the bathrooms (soaping and watering EVERYTHING in sight), sat, talked, laughed and most importantly of all, did it all together. We all spent that night at Adams house ("The Lair"). Us together choose a movie, watched it, played Gran Tourismo, and passed out together.


My whole summer was like that. Literally, EVERYDAY was that exact same thing (give or take a few trips to Kroger or something). I dont know what it was about that day, but it was special to me.


It was the single greatest day of my life. So as i tell that story i inquire: What was your greatest day ever?





Wondering and laughing,


Ian ^_^ (I never liked any of them sexually either so it wasnt that)

Edited by The Reaper
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Awww, hehe, Ian, that's adorable. :D


Several days come to mind... the summer the year I turned thirteen was pretty amazing. Nothing incredible, but it was kind of a turning point, y'know? And even though I hate to admit it, I guess this is probably my personal best day ever...


Just before I turned seventeen I went to my best friend Samantha's house in Erwin, Tennessee. You've probably heard this story from me at some point, and you've read it if you've read Somewhere Only We Know. I went to prom with her, and we would've had fun no matter what. When you get the two of us together, we're just like that. :)


I picked out a tux that I really really really liked... I have a soft spot for clothes, so sue me, lol. It started out so nervewrackingly awkward and anxious, but we made it to prom. Minutes after we got there, Samantha introduced me to Peter. He was just... wow, like breathtaking wow. And he seemed so adorable at the time.


The whole night we flirted outrageously. To this day I wonder if I ruined Sammy's prom with all of my daring queer antics. But I was so happy! I'd been wanting a boyfriend so bad, and this attention was JUST what I needed. Once, Peter came up to me, acted like he was going to whisper something into my ear, and nibbled on my ear. :) It was so cute.


Well, even through all of this flirting, I had insecurity issues. Sam knew it, though, and I caught her talking to him as I came out of the bathroom. She just smiled really big, giggled, and flitted off to talk to someone else. Peter stood beside me, looking at the dancefloor, so that gave me an idea. I asked him if he wanted to dance, and a slow song came on.


There we were, two guys in the middle of a shitload of rednecks, dancing together. And I was SO happy. I felt borderline normal, and there was someone interested in me who I believed with all of my being was completely out of my league and was just flirting with me out of pity.


So then, he smiled and blushed and did his so-cute-I-wanted-to-sex-him-up-right-there look. He said "Samantha says you really like me, but you don't think I like you." So it was my turn to blush and look away. He kind of waited for me to look back at his eyes (BEAUTIFUL green-blue eyes), and he said "But you're wrong." and he KISSED ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCEFLOOR, AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! :D :D:D:D:D


Whew, okay, so then right as the makeout ended, some girl ran up to us with a camera saying "Aww, don't stop, I want a picture!" So we did it again! And there's a picture somewhere, lol! It was so great, so amazing, so incredibly out of character for me.


Of course, it all ended badly a couple weeks later, but that day was definitely the best one of my entire life. It seemed so promising and fulfilling and awesome and beautiful and all those other words. :D

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I had to think about my best day -- I've had a lot of days to go through :P (where's my walking frame...)


I have to go back to one special day in 1999. I was at the hospital early morning. My wife had been admitted the night before and they were going to induce her, as she was a week overdue and there were signs of fetal distress.


It was a long day, but the midwives were excellent and everything went smoothly. I can remember my wife spending a couple of hours in their large bath, relaxing and holding onto the nitrous oxide feed (the so-called Happy Gas :D ). Eventually, around 4pm, our first boy was born. I cut the cord and then held him in my arms while the staff cleaned up. My wife was exhausted, so I held my boy for a few minutes before I handed him over. There are pictures from then and I have the hugest grin that I think I've ever worn....

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My best day was when my BF Doug moved to my neighborhood in April of 2002 when we were in the 7th grade. I saw the moving truck and walked down to see who was moving in and saw him, he smiled, waved, and said "hi" to me. I said "hi" back, and we started to talk. After about 5 minutes it was like we'd been friends all of our lives. Doug's Chinese, and I've always really liked Asian guys. I think they are super sexy because of their eyes and smiles and especially if they have kinda spiky hair. I thought he was the sexiest person I'd ever seen in my life, and I really liked him. I started helping him move his stuff into his bedroom and helped him put it away. By the end of the day we were best friends. And eventually BF's too. :wub:


Colin :boy:

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