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Alan Cumming got married


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Alan Cumming married his boyfriend Grant Shaffer:





For their first 'dance', they ice skated to a Queen song. You can't get much cooler than that. ^_^ I wonder if they have any actual skating skills, or just skated around holding hands. Looking at the picture, it seems there's enough of a height difference for some actual pairs tricks. (Ok, I know I'm just dreaming with that, but I couldn't help but notice. The Gay Games does have a similar pairs event, though... :whistle: )

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Wow, to be totally honest (im gonna sound like a n00b here so forgive me) i never knew Alan was gay. I mean ive always like suspected him but i never gave it much thought. As soon as he did that Spy Kids movie, i was like "Yup, hes gay for sure."


His husband looks a little out of it in that picture on E!.




Feeling out of the loop/a little n00b-ish,


Ian :/

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