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Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller in new movie...

Adrian Michaels

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Here's an article I found today about the plans to put Ben Stiller and Tom Cruise in a comedy called The Hardy Men.


Really, people, is NOTHING sacred! Jeeze.

Well, here's the link. Please tell me that I'm not alone in thinking that this is a really dumb idea.



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I'm sure I'm going to be in the minority here...but I would go see that. I like Ben Stiller and I like Tom Cruise--as an actor. His politices and personal beliefs may be a bit out there (though I don't really pay that much attention to them, so I am really only basing that statement on what I have heard others say), but I don't care as long as I find him entertaining in whatever role he plays.


I like mysteries, especially those with a touch of comedy. Probably why my two favorite programs on tv right now are Psych and Monk. I could see a movie based on the Hardy Boys grown up.

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I'm sure I'm going to be in the minority here...but I would go see that. I like Ben Stiller and I like Tom Cruise--as an actor. His politices and personal beliefs may be a bit out there (though I don't really pay that much attention to them, so I am really only basing that statement on what I have heard others say), but I don't care as long as I find him entertaining in whatever role he plays.


I like mysteries, especially those with a touch of comedy. Probably why my two favorite programs on tv right now are Psych and Monk. I could see a movie based on the Hardy Boys grown up.

I don't pay much attention to celebrities either. I just watch movies to be entertained. If the reviews are OK I'd go see this movie. I read the HB books when I was in elementary school. I kinda like the idea of grown-up Hardy Boys.


Colin :boy:

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