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I've been sooo busy

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Hey everyone! Sorry I've been away for awhile but school finished for me and then my cousin the drop out came down and crashed his yacht into our like dock thingy lmao. The yacht didn't sink so that was good but it like broke some of the boards but we hafta get all that changed anyway. But yeah then I spent the past 2 weeks cleaning the boats from top to bottom with my cousin so it was like spendin all day at the marina cleaning then we just slept on the boats so I haven't had much chance to do any computer stuff. I didn't know a stupid boat that noone lives on could get so freakin dirty and dusty and gross! I can understand the outside being kinda less clean but grrrr so stupid!


Then while I was away Josh played that LoGD game on Forloyn's website and finished his house then killed me and stole all my money so I could advance lmao glad we're married in the game or I guess I'd realllly be in for some abuse!! Anyways! hoooope everyone's doing really well! :boy:



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He's Alive, :blink:

Welcome back dude. *HUGS* So Josh killed you and took you're money huh? Some :wub: Hehe, just kidding :boy: kiddo. Hope all is going well withyou both.


To the rest of the members, I'm been very busy lately. I finally got over my case of writer's block on The Ranch and came up with a huge new scene. When I started writing it, I thought it would take just a chapter or two. Well, I was wrong. It's taken five plus at about 20 pages per chapter. I hope things are going well for everyone and Cloud, what's wrong. Haven't seen you in a while. Hope you're OK and am going through OWF withdrawls.


Take care and much love to you all. :):wub:

Mike :sword:

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