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did anyone go see it?


i saw it i thought i was very goood .. i heard that it got bad reviews but i thought that it was well worth the money ! if u havent already deff go see it :D :2hands:

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yeah I took DC on opening night.


I thought it was very good, actually. Don't want to spoil it for anyone....


DC's review: AWESOME!

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My daughter was scared and my son was back and forthe between yawning and covering his ears...


But, reallly well done~!

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I haven't seen it, but the negative things I've heard were from people who either thought it was a right-wing effort to get us to go to war with Iran or who couldn't deal with or didn't like the stylized nature of the presentation.


A classicist was on the radio this afternoon and said surprisingly positive things about it. He said it was faithful to the comic, which he thought was the most important consideration. He said many of the distortions from reality go back to the Greeks themselves: stylization of battle depictions (lack of armor, not consistently representing phalanxes, for example) and Heroditus' historical views and dramatic oversimplification.

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...(lack of armor, not consistently representing phalanxes, for example) and Heroditus' historical views and dramatic oversimplification.




YOUR DAMN RIGHT THEY DIDN'T HAVE ARMOR!!! lmao, those hunk of guys never wore a thing over their huge, bulging, tight, muscles. *hehe*

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Yes, the muscles were nice, but I also enjoyed some of the battles, especially the first slo-mo immediately following the first Persian wave. What I didn't like (and considered repititious) was the over-theatrical nature of the entire film. Though that all kind of tied in when I realized in what view the film was in (first-person, third-person, etc.). I kind of feel silly for not realizing it early on. Overall, it was a very good storyline with a few very good scenes.

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Argh, I hate when people have to put politics into everything. Its based on a COMIC!!


And from what I've heard, it follows really well.


And as for the historical bits... I'm pretty sure its not supposed to be accurate. But then again, I can't say for sure.

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I was hoping there would be a topic started about 300 and if not i was going to make one. I saw it the day it came out and me and my brother are planning to see it again. I loved it. I'm more than a little biased though. I've always loved the story of the spartans and the battle of Thermopylae.


Very good movie

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Argh, I hate when people have to put politics into everything. Its based on a COMIC!!


Actually... it's based on history (altough the movie itself was based on the amazing comic book)


Besides a few historical flaws (armor, fighting style, obvious "monsters", etc.), it was pretty true to what really happened when 300 Spartans and (I believe) 1,000 Tespians took on Xerxes and his very large group of soldiers.






So if you just wanted a review, here it is.



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Actually... it's based on history (altough the movie itself was based on the amazing comic book)


Besides a few historical flaws (armor, fighting style, obvious "monsters", etc.), it was pretty true to what really happened when 300 Spartans and (I believe) 1,000 Tespians took on Xerxes and his very large group of soldiers.

So if you just wanted a review, here it is.



There's an interesting illustrated article that was printed in today's Contra Costa Times, "300 vs. History, Does the Film Match the Facts?" It's on the San Jose Mercury News as a pdf file (you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it) at http://bayareanewsgroup.com/multimedia/mn/...tory_031407.pdf.


To summarize, the article says that the movie is fairly accurate. One big difference is that history says the Spartans wore body armor. But it's a lot sexier to see them less clothed as in the movie!


Colin :boy:

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There's an interesting illustrated article that was printed in today's Contra Costa Times, "300 vs. History, Does the Film Match the Facts?" It's on the San Jose Mercury News as a pdf file (you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it) at http://bayareanewsgroup.com/multimedia/mn/...tory_031407.pdf.


To summarize, the article says that the movie is fairly accurate. One big difference is that history says the Spartans wore body armor. But it's a lot sexier to see them less clothed as in the movie!


Colin :boy:


Actually, they did not wear body armor. What they wore in the movie is really what they wore into battle, supposedly because they felt that armor restricted their movements. In the most extreme cases they might have worn hardened fabric, but normally it was the skimpy shorts, the capes, and the helmets, and that's it. They were crazy.


So yeah, it IS historically accurate (except for the monsters). That's the way Frank Miller is, he bases his comics largely on historical facts.

Edited by rknapp
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they might have worn hardened fabric


The "hardened fabric" worked on much the same principle as Kevlar. There is some debate as to quite what the composition was at what periods, but thin layers of linen, and/or leather, and a thin bronze layer are likely. There was a breastplate anyway, and it was quite effective against the weapons of the time. Obviously the shield was the main defense for the soldier and the one to his left.

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I left the movie with one huge resonating question...


Why were the spartans SCOTTISH!?



I saw it, I found it reasonable, I walked in with no knowledge of the comic, and little knowledge of the actual battle/history of it (my schools sucked for teaching history). I walked out of it, still with little knowledge of the history and an offer from my dad to dig out his old copies of The Oddessy and Illiad (In both english and ye-olde greek... aka scottish apparently).


I dont expect it to be in the language its supposed to be mimicing, but atleast be in english with the affectations and accent of the language it is supposed to be mimicing....




and I got no snuggles from cute friend that I went with :pissed:




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