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  1. Amelia

    Chapter 12

    Any hope of continuing in the near future? I love this story.
  2. Its pretty easy to find first names on this site. As soon as you give it in chat, it gets used in the forums. Although I've had no interactions with you outside of the soapbox a handful of times, I know what your first name is.
  3. Joshua Kadison's "Beautiful In My Eyes"
  4. I just re-read my post. I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed. Not all four of my teeth. I have more than four. I swear.
  5. Also, everyone reacts differently to having their teeth pulled. I had all four of mine pulled at once on Monday morning, and I was fine to go back to work Wednesday. Of course, Thursday night I began feeling like my face was going to explode and I ended up with dry socket in my left and right lower jaw. DON"T SUCK THROUGH A STRAW, they don't give you that advice for nothing. Insurance and sick time suck.
  6. Amelia


    They certainly didn't go halfway. I loved it as well. Talk about sneaking that in - there were no promotions or hints that it was coming. You should have heard me squealing.
  7. Amelia

    Hanging Ten

    I typically have a really hard time with the, "I'm in love with you and you," deal, but somehow the honesty in the words you put on the page makes me buy into it. I really feel like Andy is supposed to be with Angie now. Up to this point though, I've been cheering for Matt. I really want to see how things are resolved. I want it more for Matt's sake, than Andy's though. I think I might be more angry with Andy in this chapter when he is putting himself back together, than I have been anywhere else in the story. Its just coming home how much he hurt Matt.
  8. Hello Fellow Maine-er ... But, no new snow since the first weekend in February. Boo!
  9. We have a 12 1/2 year old rottie mix named Dakota. I rescued her from the pound while visiting my dog, Kahuna (runt Siberian Husky who looked more like a wolf that we rescued from under a table at a flea market in Florida and who died of cancer two years ago), who was impounded for two weeks (long story.) She was to be euthanized within the week. Then, I got a cat named Oscar (almost 10 years old) when I moved into my first place. I had been waiting for a kitten from the pound who died the day before I was supposed to take her home, so my Dad got Oscar from a pet store the day before I moved out (he's the only animal we have who wasn't rescued.) Oscar LOVES me and tolerates my husband and son. (Once, in college, my husband passed out drunk in my bed with his feet hanging over the edge. Oscar used them as a toy and his feet were such a mess in the morning, he could barely walk. Its a testament of our love that Oscar still shares our home.) Mojo (7 years old) we got while I was working with a very poor family while working on my Masters. They were putting Mother Kitty outside in the morning (in the middle of the winter) from the time Mo was a few days old (he was the only one from his litter who survived) and not letting her back in until dark. Mo was dying of malnourishment when I convinced them to let me take him. I wanted to name him Amore or Amos, but my husband was watching Austin Powers while Mo purred to beat the bands and rubbed all over him for love. He is the most snuggly cat, I have ever had! As I am typing this, he is laying on my arm. Two years ago he fell asleep in the well where the fan is by the engine in my husbands truck. When my husband turned his truck on, his heart stopped. Mo broke his jaw, needed more stitches than we could count, and used up at least 5 of his nine lives. Max (6 years old) came one day a few winters ago when my son, then 3, asked to go to the zoo. We went to the Animal Welfare society to give the animals some exercise and love instead. Max was a Maine Coon Cat deemed feral. BULL! He goes with us on every walk we take our dogs on, walks our son the the bus stop every morning and greets him as he gets off every afternoon, and has become the neighborhood's favorite mascot. Last year, a coworker of my husband's was going to bring his dog to the pound because he was moving and couldn't keep him. My husband came home with Shy (5 years old), our "foster" American Bulldog. He peed every time I looked at him and I couldn't wait to find him another home. My son and husband fell in love. He is the definition of a boy and his dog with my son. He is the easiest dog I have ever trained and the most well behaved (despite the occasional chewed to pieces objects left laying around). I wouldn't trade him for the world. We also have Bambi, a Leopard Gecko that a friend couldn't keep when they moved south. Then, there is Bluzal, the Beta my son named in his classroom who came home for Vacation and has never left. I'll come back later and try to figure out how to get my pictures in here. They all say they are too big to upload.
  10. Thanks, Guys. It was as good as 30 can be.
  11. Did you notice you use the term "them" several times? I don't know much about surrogates on a personal level, but I can imagine feeling a bit like a business associate being a bit too familiar. Not a good feeling. However, I have been a pregnant female and the emotions and the hormones aren't a myth. I agree with Lugh, call and check in on her at least once a week - try emailing back and forth as well. As far as the way you are feeling right now having any bearing on you as a father, I doubt there is that much of correlation. Plus, I know I'm a damn good Mom and there are definitely times where the "leave me alone" attitude is prevalent. Its happens to the best of us and it doesn't mean you aren't suited to parenthood. And, as you are a lawyer, I doubt you need to review the contract, but I would remind her soon that there will be no nannying done by her, ever, at all, nada.
  12. Andy - Those high levels are a pretty big indicator, but they certainly can be that high with single pregnancies as well, so don't stress too much. As far as fraternal versus identical, it doesn't matter too much when they are that little, they are so used to be nearing each other, that they will just be more content to sleep together in the beginning, from the same egg or not. My brother and sister are twins, and at nearly 30, they still do the twin thing. My husband is a twin, and at nearly 30, they still do the twin thing. All of them are fraternal. My roommate from college and her twin sister are identical and speak a few times a month, my sister and I are closer than they are. AND, don't stress about how much it will be to have two at one time, if thats what comes to pass - you'll only ever know what its like to have two to care for and your love for them will help you get through even the most stressful times (I was known to go in my bedroom and climb under the covers with pillows over my head for a few minutes when I was home alone with an upset child that I couldn't calm). I always say that now that I know how much work one was, I could never handle having two. But my mother in law had twins first and said that she never felt like it was so much work until she had one 6 years later and realized two made one seem like a breeze! The added bonus being that two will always be able to keep each other entertained. My son is always so much easier to deal with after a long day when he has a friend around to play with. CONGRATULATIONS! And make sure you guys take a babymoon!
  13. PICA! Stay away from the stuff that will make you sick at least. No really, seek medical attention.
  14. I have an addictive personality. I have kicked some of my worst addictions and replaced them with slightly more appropriate ones. That counts, right?
  15. Oh, pretty please.
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