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Paya's Soapbox

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Mozzila, gay marriage and power of social networks

http://abcnews.go.com/Business/mozilla-ceo-resigns-calif-gay-marriage-ban-campaign/story?id=23181711   Mozzila's CEO had to step down after it was revealed that he supported Proposition 8 banning gay marriage in California. Not only had he face the opposition from employees, the last nail in his coffin most probably came from online dating site OKCupid that blocked access to their website via Firefox.



Shame on Tennessee

Since we can celebrate gay marriage in the UK in the Lounge but not shame the mandatory counselling sponsored by the Bachmanns (apparently they are politicians, I would call them differently), I had to migrate this report about a new vomit inducing part of public school curriculum in Tennessee to this blog: http://nationalrepor...inning-may-1st/ Just to quote: "We bring the gay demons out of these individuals so they can become who god intended them to be." “A child has to choose to become g



Juan Linz is dead and US government is getting worse.

Article   I usually stayed away from politics since the Soapbox got closed but this article, linking the passing of a great political scientist and the present crisis of governance in the US, got me nodding in agreement. So I thought I would share it with you in case you wanted to know what you are up for.



Bigot Americans worsen the position of gays abroad

Bigot Americans fighting against gays abroad.   I am disgusted that this is happening. It's revolting, I really don't have any understanding for this. Funnily enough, they would never move in to those countries. But they have enough guts to spread their venomous pile of crap there. Great how American notion of free speech and religion gave birth to one of the weirdest parade of lunatic churches, cults and gay-bashing freaks that are influencing lives of people in other countries that don't get



Boston Bombers are NOT Czech

http://zpravy.idnes.cz/foto.aspx?server=zpravy.idnes.cz&r=zpravodaj&foto1=JB4aa280_usa.jpg   I know that not ALL Americans are stupid and ignorant, but there are still plenty enough to generate news like what is shown in the picture I linked. During the last hours since it was revealed that the bombers had links to CHECHNYA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechnya), many Americans tweeted their surprise about the bombers coming from the CZECH Republic. Even if they used the official shor




One our saying says „it’s better [read: easier] to burn down the house than move it“. Another one says „your best friend shows in need“. I need to move and I asked my friends for a help.   Since it’s not an easy move but over almost 1000 miles, there haven’t been many volunteers. And those that were willing to help are falling off for different reasons and I’m short one man that is needed. Where are my best friends that should be supposed to drop everything and come to help when you’re in need



How to take nasty jabs?

I'm not sure how to start this and not get lost in too much explaining and details. OK, so the shortest version possible, hopefully not too simplified.   Everyone has some soft spots. Some people have less, some people have more. For me, one of the biggest ones is self-dignity and how others perceive me. I know I should not care but I do. The other big one is "personal failures" or what I see as a personal failure, even if others might call them re-evaluation of my objectives or whatever. I h



The only Song in Paradise is River.

OK, it's been almost a year since my last entry. I'm bad!   And to be honest, I would manage to go longer without a post but 1) I'm bored and procrastinating, and 2) I need to vent. And I guess it's safe to do that here.   As many of you might have read, I'm moving to London soon. Well... end May at latest. We've done the plus points (Thanks Bob! ) and I persuaded my bf that it's best for us to move to London. I'm really looking forward to all that but I have to admit I'm scared.   I t



Burdens of my past. Just say no.

Don't get too excited, no hidden kids, no porn movies on the Internet that would come back to bite me in the ass.   Only some recent things that happened lead me to rethink my priorities. 1) The approaching deadlines made me realize that I can't live two or three lives at once. For the last year, I've been a full-time employee, a doctoral student in my main studies and a postgraduate student in another studies for which I already paid a lot of money on school fees - bear in mind we don't pay



Basics of Internet Security 101: Facebook freaks

OK, Austin Butler is a freak! And I don't mean that teen star of various teen films. I mean the guy who asked all the people from GA to become his friends over Facebook.   Well, I spent all day asking people who this guy is. Apparently, if I used wiki or google first, I'd learn about the true Austin Butler. So I denied his request and reported his profile as fake. What is disappointing and why I'm writing this blog is how many people just mindlessly clicked to accept this freak's request. And



One year out, one year in...?

This was a really interesting year. Last year, just right before Christmas, I told my sister that she might not have a sister-in-law but a brother-in law... After Christmas I told my Mum as well. Since then the number of people I came out to expanded to nice round 10. These people form sort of my "inner circle", some gyrate closer to me, some further, but they are nevertheless my close friends. How was a year out? I tried to come with one adjective - the most appropriate would be "eye-opening".



Losing peers

Long time no read, eh? Well, no news to talk about, really... though... latest developments have forced me to write a new post today.   One of the ways how to measure you're old is that you start losing your peers. Instead of meeting in the pub at some get-together you meet at the funerals... Or that at the get-togethers you're not gossiping about those who didn't come because as we say "only good about the deceased".



Like a Pawn on a chessboard

A company, that's a living organism. The never-ending flow of people, ideas, shuffling papers and desks... isn't it exciting?



Paya in Westmoreland

Sometimes people do strange things. For example they travel accross the continent to meet a person they have never met before... yet a person they know so much. When I started writing this, I was on my way to the airport, scared shitless... There was no reason for it but that doesn't mean I can't stress myself out, right?




Every time I start thinking that I live in a country or area that is civilized, occidental and cultured, every time I lose my wariness, something happens to remind me of true nature of people living here. Everyone here knows what is US Bible belt, everyone knows film studios like BelAmi or Eurocreme showing the Western customers the paradise of living here...   OK. There was a pride parade planned for today in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia (and as I've heard actual seat of BelAmi ). Slo



They know...

Being in a relationship has some positive impacts on me... for example I feel more secure, so I resumed my coming out. Today it was my best friend, first straight male I came out to - telling him I have a boyfriend.



From me to you...

Awesome song, right?   So I officially have a man. A man of my life. And we got to the first fight. Well, I wouldn't call it like that but the making up was just un-f*cking-believable! The problem was - as in any relationship at its beginning - that we get to know each other better and better and this time we got further than anyone else. We got to my tenderest spot, my second biggest fear after the death. And I freaked out. We ended up both hurting, mainly from hurting the other one, but



You've got mail.

An old and very romantic film, starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Our "great" translators when making the dubbing renamed it to our language as "Love via Internet". I don't know why they did that but it's not the first nor the last weird translation they've made.   Anyway... it got me thinking. It got me thinking if it is possible to do it. To start and to keep a relationship via Internet. Horrible things go around about relationships on distance. But I really hope it is possible, at least for n



The Importance of Being Honest

No, I'm not going to post a lecture on honesty, nor any other virtue of a noble gentleman.   I came across a very interesting chart:     And with all due respect to the ideas of socialism and welfare state that we all enjoy as members of the Western civilization, I'd like to point out, that in 1938 Czechoslovakia was at the same economical level as Austria and Finland (and e.g. better than Italy). What followed was the 1938-1945 Nazi rule - and despite that we were the first country from



Through the (Tropical) Hell and Back

Well... when I first started to write this blog, it was meant to show you that even if I live in a paradise full of hotties going at it in front of the camera of apparently two most popular twink gay porn studios in the U.S., it doesn't have to mean that gay life here is that easy.   I continue in my coming out spree. I came out to one of my close friends last Sunday - and it went well. She sort of thought it. Obviously one can see that on me. That freaked me out. I'm not prepared to be fully



Writing out my obsession

I hate my works. I have to write an article on a topic I'm doing my research, it's based on my Master thesis that was highly praised, I have all the good cards in my hands but I still can't get myself to finish it. I gave myself a deadline for today to help it. But I can't even look at it, nor read it, or even more, fill in the last blank places.



A Knight's Tale

Shannyn Sossamon is a great example why it's worth living in all rooms at once!



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