First of all, thank you.
Thank you for posting this. For making me go to another place in that reading, and realize so much about life, and about true love and what it's like to be committed to someone so much you change your whole life for them.
And not just for them, but for who you are as well.
Thank you for showing acceptance in its brighter shade.
I loved your story. It's one of the few ones I would have just continued reading for more and more chapters.
I loved Stephen. The overall character. His sweet side, his romantic side, and the way he was a good son, with both his dad and mom.
You're story has a magical beginning. The first chapter it's sooo out of this world...only in fiction.
Definitely my favorite chapter. And if that doesn't hook up the reader, then I don't know what might.
Again, thank you. And From Behind Those Eyes is definitely one of my top three from the site.