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    retired nanogenarian

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  1. It is the first gay murder story that I have read where the murderer was apprehended before the murder that was anticipated. Good story, well written and well edited. No problems to trip over or to cause you to decide on the correction. Lots of inferred sex, no description of activity though. A good read.
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  2. while the story is short it is long on the serious considerations that the Bully has realized that it is he who is the problem. The collision, as alluded to at the end, was knowingly caused; but probably due to the underlying habit of 'being the bully'. I will search this difficult site for additional stories by wildone (if I have learned to read correctly). I was always distant from my brother. Now he has made himself very distant by moving to a country which the US does not recognize.
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  3. I read the story and loved it. I sent a private note to Mancunian with suggestions and some of my history about visiting Manchester and York and parts between. Especially Chester!
  4. Read it, loved it and wrote to the author that is how I felt. Ihave beenfollowiing Boys for years
  5. The Whole Story is long and actually quite involved. It will take a lot of work to integrate all of these stories around the Baxter Boys as that is the strongest and longest part and the best written. Throwback are a good way, including it when the new character is first introduced. Mancunian, if you are game it can be a lot of work. Letting the side stories exist as short stories is OK as they seem to stand alone very well.
  6. Endoman

    Part 7

    I read this story once before but out of context with the other parts of the main story. Now that I understand it, I appreciate it better. I look forward to additional reading in the immediate future. It is a story, book, compendium worth following.
  7. It is Ox's years of taking control of situations as they Pop-UP. I was only a Lt. in the USAF but when leadership is needed I jump into the fray. I took on the community Library when I felt they had abandoned their duties, and won. The loan that was up for a vote was denied. They then acted to correct many of the deficiencies they let accumulate.
  8. I normally give Backwoods Boy 5 out of 5. The story was too short. Details could have been added. Previously I would send my appreciation to him by personal eMail; including a suggestive illustration. Actually he is one of the better authors posting on the internet.
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  9. I grew up a long time ago. I'm 92. Things were different then. I lived in a small box somewhere in an unused closet. Still there!
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