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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. you called me boy and i wondered what it would be like to kneel before you have you do to me the things you want to do but then, why would you want to do them to me? if i wanted to be yours would you take me? no because we are worlds apart and i am wrong this body is not what you would want still i wish i could belong to you if only for a fleeting moment you called me boy once it made my heart ache
  2. Good start. There are different forms of verse and song from around Europe referred to as ballads. The Scandinavian form, which dates back to medieval times, often contains two refrains, one in the middle and one at the end, though there are Scandinavian medieval ballads that only have the refrain at the end. They’re generally songs with a frightful number of verses (short ones, though) and were meant for dancing. They were a way of passing down stories, folklore, and history in verbal tradition.
  3. Wonderful. You understand why they’re called ballads when you read that. From the Latin for dancing.
  4. Sounds like a fun challenge. Good luck!
  5. Be depressing if it comes up almost empty, though...
  6. Mmm, Jason Momoa... Yeah, I didn’t know I liked that before him, either.
  7. You do whatever you feel able and comfortable with doing, when you feel like doing it. We love you regardless.
  8. Can’t wait to read it. Me too. On both counts.
  9. Good luck at the doctor’s! Hoping for nothing but good news. Morning, DiC. We still have the plague in this house. I’m worse. He’s marginally better.
  10. Night, Def! Goodnight to everyone else as well. I’m heading to bed.
  11. Oh, they have. And yeah, I know SKSE64 works, but some are still having issues with it... I dunno. More thinking required. I just finally have a stable build. And once I install this stuff I won’t want to get rid of it again, even if it’s breaking my game.
  12. Niiiiice! I’m this close to installing SexLabs. Found a light version for SE that doesn’t require SKSE, but then one of the requirements for it does, so I’m a bit confused... I just don’t wanna play with SKSE in SE, but it would be a loooot of fun.
  13. Those are good words. Thank you.
  14. Hi! Just fine here, thanks. And yourself?
  15. Omg, @BHopper2, that back tattoo! Yum!
  16. Thorn Wilde


    Amy is so much more than she seems. Very clever girl.
  17. Thorn Wilde


    Well, you’ll just have to read on to find out... Thanks for all your comments! ❤️
  18. Thorn Wilde


    What Loz did it pretty much unforgivable, no question, and I don’t blame you at all for reacting this way. Loz is a really messed up kid.
  19. Hey everyone. I discovered the worst time sink of a game I have ever encountered today. It’s called BitLife. It’s a mobile game. You’re ‘born’ as a random person of a random sex in a random country, and you go through life, essentially, one year at a time, until you die. It’s all text based. I’ve lived through two lives today. It’s absurd.
  20. That’s really great, Mike. I’m so glad those kids have you. I do have a very supportive community here, I know a lot of other trans and non-binary/genderqueer people, and my friends are amazing (I mean, half of them are queer in one way or another as well). There’s a wonderful youth group here in Oslo called Skeiv ungdom (translates to Queer Youth) and I know a lot of the people involved there. They talk a lot about genderqueerness, bi- and pansexuality, asexuality, and other things under the LGBTQ umbrella that many people don’t think or know about. I performed (and did sound) at a party they had during Pride last summer. It’s a wonderful community for young people. Really wish I’d known about them when I was in my teens, I’m too old to hang out there now.
  21. Thank you. I appreciate that, and I’m glad you see it that way.
  22. Thorn Wilde


    Liz is awesome. I wish I’d had a sister like Liz growing up. And Michael is a very loving and empathetic person. Definitely one of his strengths. He’s good people.
  23. Thorn Wilde


    Yeah, my first mobile phone was one of the old Nokia bricks. Then I got the 3310. Had that one for years. I remember I had this lightning phone cover, super tacky, lol! The new Nokia smartphones are surprisingly well put together, though. My mum has one.
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