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Thorn Wilde

Promising Author
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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Mum's the word. Your secret's safe with me. How are you?
  2. Yeah, I'm in Safari on a MacBook Pro.
  3. So, this is happening again...
  4. The neighbours/landlords are getting annoyed with her barking. She has attachment issues (all too common in shih tzus, and difficult to train). So she's gonna go stay with my flatmate's mum. Honestly, aside from her attachment issues she's actually quite well behaved. But the barking gets exhausting. I completely agree, though. I don't think getting a dog was the best idea for her. Or for the dog. My flatmate struggles with being strict enough, gives in too easily. If it were my dog I'd be a lot more strict with her training, but it's not. Maybe her mother will be able to do a better job.
  5. Thank you! I think it can be hard to get any vibes from Snape, as he's so closed off. I think underneath all that he just wants to be loved and responds to those rare people who do
  6. He does, doesn't he?
  7. Morning, DiC! The dog has taken to chewing the cat tree. I keep trying to distract her with other toys. She leaves on Friday. Gonna miss her, but it'll be a lot more peaceful around here when she goes.
  8. They lay on the sofa in the Room of Requirement, pressed tightly together. Remus kissed the spot just below Severus’s ear, followed by a gentle lick, and the other swore softly. Remus smiled. Somehow they had managed to avoid going any further as of yet, but Remus’s patience was wearing thin, and he knew Severus’s was too. Now Severus reached inside Remus’s robes, fingers ghosting over his shirt, stopping just shy of the buttons. Remus pulled back a bit and licked his lips. ‘You . . . yo
  9. Night, Reader! My mum makes 'cough syrup' out of vodka, liquorice powder, aniseed, and some herbal bitter or another, can't recall which. Don't know how good it is for you, but it basically paralyses your throat, so at least you don't cough.
  10. I'm glad to hear it. I've still got that annoying lingering cough... It's getting better, though.
  11. So what's everyone been up to today? I ended up playing a lot of Skyrim, and talking to a friend on the phone. He gave me a bit of a confidence boost, made me feel a lot better. It's good to have friends like that.
  12. No way. It's good to have you back.
  13. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 25

    I definitely think the term writing applies to comics. There's a reason we call some of them graphic novels.
  14. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 26

    Thank you for reading it! I'm honoured.
  15. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 25

    Which horror comics did you read? I've read quite a few. I'm very fond of comics in general, and I started out with The Sandman and other Vertigo comics with dark fantasy and horror themes (I was a goth) before I discovered superhero comic. (Marvel guy, not much into DC.)
  16. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 25

    Hehe, thanks. I was a bit nervous when I posted this chapter, cause of the kink... It's not exactly the most widely accepted out there, though I was pleasantly surprised by how many readers were like, 'well that wasn't something I ever thought I'd ever be into, but hot damn!'
  17. Thorn Wilde


    Wow, sometimes I go through old stories and find comments I never replied to. Thank you so much for this! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! And sorry about replying four years late.
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Ignore this comment.
  19. Ugh. Anxious and headachy. My body's reacting, too. Feel sick. Can't eat. Been anxious and depressed for a couple of days, but I overcompensate by trying to be super cheerful and overly friendly, and then it backfires and I just feel obnoxious. And then I feel whiny for talking about it. Doing it anyway, I guess... Hate my brain sometimes. Mental illness sucks.
  20. Morning, Def. Hoping the same for you.
  21. Loki as a pole dancer. Know that feel. Goodnight, molly. I'm going to bed, too.
  22. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 24

    Well, it certainly works when you've got fourth wall-breaking characters. Not so sure about other stories...
  23. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 23

    Haha! Yeah. I mean, it could have just been a figure of speech.
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