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Thorn Wilde

Promising Author
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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Glad the meds are helping Def. Take it easy and give your body time to get better.
  2. Thanks for all your advice, everyone. It's been really helpful. I've gotten some stuff done. Started with the nightstand, which is now clean and tidy and free of dust. Did most of my dresser, sorted a lot of papers. (I found a letter from the school I went to ten years ago, wtf? Lol! Anyway, flatmate is home now, so can't occupy the living room table for sorting anymore. Think that'll have to be it for today, and now I get ti play Skyrim as a reward. That sounds fair, right? Tomorrow I'll finish the dresser, and then start tackling all my clean laundry and sort my dresser...
  3. Thank you, tim. Gonna try to give it my best today. Gonna have to use some of the living room space to organise things, I think... Also need to go through my closet, which I know is full of clothes that don't even fit me anymore, to make room for the ones that do.
  4. Morning all. I'm having an 'I suck' day. My room is a mess. It has been for the longest time. Yesterday I finally sorted all the laundry that had ended up on the floor... I'm a disgusting slob. Underneath everything was so dusty that when I went to bed last night it was like I was having an allergic reaction. How does shit get so out of hand and why can't I just do things, like a normal person? Sorting all that laundry doesn't meat it's tidy in there, and doing that is such a massive job in such a tiny room I don't even know where to begin, and I can't start tackling the dust until I've done that. I feel really overwhelmed, and I feel like the most useless and disgusting person on the planet right now... It's hovering around 0C here at the moment. Snow keeps melting and then freezing again, so it's super slippery outside.
  5. Well, that was me falling asleep with my computer in my lap... Think it’s time for sleeps. Night everyone!
  6. There was something fascinating about Iorveth. He was angry, of course, distrustful of everyone who wasn’t one of his Scoia’tael (and even some of those), but he had still allowed himself to trust Geralt. It spoke of desperation, only Iorveth didn’t seem desperate. Perhaps he was convinced he could beat Geralt in a fight, should it come to that, but he was too intelligent for that degree or arrogance, arrogant though he was. He was hard to figure out, but perhaps that was the attraction. Geralt
  7. That means it's working. Well done!
  8. Appeared in my Facebook feed:
  9. Good luck! Hope it goes/went well. Mine's been all right. Spent most of it gaming. Now trying to write a little bit.
  10. I try to always respond to comments. I love hearing what readers have to say about my stories, and I feel like by engaging them in return, they'll share their thoughts with me even more. Art should be a dialogue between artist and audience. Depending on the comment, it can be more or less in depth. Sometimes I practically write a dissertation in response to a long and well thought out comment, and other times I just thank the reader for reading my story and commenting. But I always engage. (Except for during my two year hiatus, I guess. When I got back I felt embarrassed at the idea of responding to comments that were months old, so I didn't. Don't know if that was the correct choice or not...)
  11. Aaaaaagh, fucking Alex and his fucking diva bullshit, what an absolute fucking twat! ...sorry. I'm less restrained than some of your other readers. Wow, this book is really taking me for a ride.... It's funny, and then it's sexy, and then it's sad and I have lost my ability to even. You're one hell of a storyteller, Laura.
  12. Oh Carter, Aron loves you, so just tell him you love him too!
  13. I’ve had an awful cough for weeks now as well, but otherwise I’m just fine. This happens to me a lot.
  14. Hope you both feel better soon, @Defiance19 and @Mikiesboy!
  15. Feel free to PM me if you’ve got any questions about installation or anything like that, @BHopper2. I’m kind of a veteran at this point...
  16. No, no. The legendary edition version of SKSE is the stable one. You should be safe with that, I think. At this point, old Skyrim isn’t being updated anymore so the current runtime should work. I didn’t think about mentioning Lovers Lab because SKSE for SE is still in alpha, so I’m happier without it. Not that many SE mods require it, anyway. As fun as sexy times in Skyrim would be, I can do without. Just can’t be bothered with the script extender. Like I said, though, you should be safe using it. Back-up your game files (should be as easy as just making a backup of the scripts folder) before installing. If it fucks up, you’ll notice. Just delete the files and replace the folder and no harm done. But make yourself a test game to try things out. I also recommend Wrye Bash if you’re installing more mods. It’ll install the mods for you and you can uninstall them without having to go digging through your game files. It’ll also sort out your load order and you can use it to make a patch that eliminates most if not all potential conflicts.
  17. *sings Skyrim theme* So glad I got back into this game. And I figured out what was causing it to crash so much before, too, it was one specific mod. So with that gone, I can mod to my heart’s content with no significant problems. ❤️
  18. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 10

    He certainly has his moments. Not as innocent as he appears, our boy.
  19. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 9

    I think this may be my favourite chapter. It was fun to write, and the boys are just so sweet, and I love kissing scenes just as much as I love sexy scenes.
  20. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 8

    Yeah, I mean, he had to. Wade’s too insecure.
  21. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 7

    I think the joke got lost in the whole “Spidey doesn’t hate me and he’s touching my arm now what do I do omg” that was going through Wade’s head at the time.
  22. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 6

    Well, tbf, I like my characters verse, so...
  23. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 5

    Hehe, Wade can be one smooth motherfucker when he wants to.
  24. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 4

    As are we all.
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