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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. I certainly should. Instead I’m watching Mulan. 20 minutes left.
  2. Yeah, as tim told me earlier, people are mad.
  3. Well, feline is more in the way one moves and behaves than the way one looks, imo. Happy New Year, Mike!
  4. Comedian Eddie Izzard has referred to himself as a male lesbian... But then he's also a crossdresser, so it's kind of different.
  5. That would have been fantastic! Or, dare I say, fabulous. You should write the fanfic.
  6. I do somehow picture you as somewhat feline... if that makes any sense. Not sure why.
  7. Happy New Year, Myr! Glad you're getting back into writing!
  8. Not at all unusual here. Been a while since there's been a big homophobic attack in Norway. You hear of maybe one or two per year. Transphobic ones are sadly more common. I kissed my ex-girlfriend in public all the time (I look like a girl so it amounts to the same thing). One time we were out on a date and these two guys started chatting us up. We told them we were together and we ended up having a drink and a chat with them. Another time, at Pride, this guy started hitting on her (yeah, at Pride) and when she told him she was with me he was like, 'Really? No, but, really really? You're really a couple?' So, I don't know if it was because she was with someone of seemingly the same gender, or because she, a gorgeous goddess, was with me, the fat nerd. But hey.
  9. Well, I'm the forgiving sort.
  10. Well, it just went midnight here. Happy New Year from the future to you all!
  11. Back later. I have done a clean install of Skyrim, so now I'm gonna install the bare minimum of mods I want/need, and then get gaming. Thanks for the inspiration, @BHopper2!
  12. Hopefully without delving too far into the political, I'd just like to say that unions in the US are a mess. This is not the case everywhere. And nobody can be forced to join a union here, either.
  13. No! What a shocking revelation! I cannot believe this.
  14. Haha, thanks! Glad you like it. I was worried all the kink would be too much for some people, but no reader has abandoned me yet that I know of, so that's a good sign, I guess.
  15. I used to know this stuff a lot better when I had a boyfriend who worked for the police and was heavily into his union and talked about it all the time. OMG! People are already shooting up fireworks, why???
  16. How is everyone doing today? I went shopping and bought ribeye steak, and Bernaise sauce, and I'm gonna make creamy potatoes in the oven. That's later, though. Looking forward to my quiet NYE by myself. Also, my brother came over with my Christmas present. A bottle of whisky, an Islay malt I haven't tried before. Think I'll enjoy a glass tonight.
  17. Similar here. You work holidays, you're owed like twice your normal wage as overtime pay or something like that. Not the law, the law, but it's negotiated by the unions to a national standard that covers everyone, unionised or not, and following that standard once negotiated is, I think, the law.
  18. Interesting how the same quote can be attributed to different people, @droughtquake... Wonder who actually said it?
  19. Thorn Wilde


    I feel this very strongly. Thank you. Oh, this. A very fitting comparison. (Need to see that film again, it's been forever...)
  20. This was very moving. Your words are beautiful as ever, tim. ❤️
  21. Finally catching up on these. This one hit close to home. The need to help and fix people in particular. I can't say no when someone else is in pain, and feeling their emotions exhausts me, but I do it anyway.
  22. Heh, Storms was supposed to be a short YA novel. The outline now has 53 chapters, and it'll probably clock in at well over 100k words... No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.
  23. Time for bed, I think. My brother is coming by tomorrow at 1 to drop off my Christmas present (which he forgot at home on the kitchen counter when we met up on Christmas Eve to hand over gifts), and it's already nearly 5, so... Need to get some sleep before then. Goodnight, DiC!
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