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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Gonna head to bed now, you guys. Supposed to meet a friend I haven't seen in months for a drink tomorrow night, and I hope I'll be well enough to go. He's good people and a professional contact as well (works in the sound department at the Norwegian Opera and Ballet, and used to work at the National Theatre, too; we worked together on an indie production of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus last year where he was the sound designer and I ran the soundboard), so really want to keep a good relationship with him. Need sleep if I'm gonna get healthy again. Thank you all for being so kind and encouraging. Talk to you all tomorrow! Good night! ❤️
  2. Everyone has their own personal boundaries. I'm a big cuddler, personally. I can spend an evening getting to know a person and end up cuddling, but that's me. Different strokes for different folks, as I believe they say.
  3. I've heard about that kind of thing. They did a piece on it on Bill Nye Saves the World on Netflix if I'm not mistaken. They had like cuddle get-togethers and stuff, too. Seemed nice.
  4. Already have. She said if it's not working out for me quitting might be the best thing for me. At the same time I'm concerned about what will happen if I do. I'm getting my education covered by NAV, which is a welfare programme, due to my mental illness and stuff. If I quit, I might lose my support, and if I can't get work straight away I'll be screwed. Basically, I'm a mess. I'm very good at tricking myself and everybody else into thinking that I'm less sick than I actually am. Christ, I feel like such a downer. Sorry.
  5. I don't even know... But I'm behind on everything. I haven't finished a damn thing this semester. Except a novel, so that's where my priorities have been, I guess... Probably. I'll drop him a line in the morning. Might be able to just hand it in late. Still kind of want to quit regardless. This whole programme has changed since I started. I was off sick for a year, so this is literally a different degree from what I was supposed to do. The dissertation's changed completely, from a practical that was record an EP with artist of your choice and then do a release gig, to a written theoretical thing. I'm supposed to be a sound engineer, not a scholar. Like I said. Tired. Sorry I'm being so negative...
  6. Right. I just realised that I was supposed to hand in an assignment for school one minute ago. F my life, seriously. I'm so tired. I want to quit.
  7. Exactly. Seeing as records of lesbianism go back literally as far as written records go, it seems odd that there's so little scientific focus on female homosexuality compared to male homosexuality. Why aren't people interested? I read an interesting thing today about gay women in the military during WW2. Turns out that like more than half the women who served then were gay. Which makes sense, as straight women with husbands and children would have been less likely to enlist. It also turns out that this was an open secret, and that a lot of people wanted to root it out. But if they had they would have lost crucial combat personnel, including some of the most decorated members of the WAC, and so they left it be. An interesting piece of history, I think.
  8. There are so many theories out there... You bring up an interesting point when you mention daughters. Next to no research like this is performed with regard to homosexual women. This goes for female sexuality in general, of course, but it becomes really obvious when you look at studies into homosexuality that don't even mention women other than as mothers of men. In all likelihood, the article you're referring to didn't mention daughters at all, since you can't remember it. Most of them don't.
  9. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you. It's not an easy story to tell, that's for sure, but I hope I do the subject matter justice. Thank you for reading, and for commenting.
  10. Severus did not speak to Remus again before the Christmas holidays were upon them, and Remus failed to find him in the crowds at Hogsmeade station or on Platform Nine and Three Quarters. He wanted to give him the Christmas present he had bought for him on the last Hogsmeade weekend of the term, a beautiful eagle feather quill that had cost him more than he should probably have spent. But Severus was nowhere to be seen, and Remus was forced to admit defeat. He said goodbye to James and Peter, ign
  11. I was wondering about that. It was a bit confusing...
  12. Still sick today. Gonna play D&D via Skype tonight. Feeling marginally better than yesterday, though. I think.
  13. That's awesome, tim! Happy for you!
  14. At the very least, I'm gonna do my level best.
  15. Morning, Kitt! I need, like, two hour long appointments to address everything I need to talk about, tbh. Today we just talked about school and meds. Definitely falling into a depressive episode, which, you know, fun! Thankfully, without those awful anti-depressants I used to be on, I may actually be able to write myself through it.
  16. Good morning! Wonder if any of you are still up. It's 9 am here now. Could have slept another 20 minutes, but too congested for that... Gonna nap when I get back home from my appointment, I think.
  17. Ooh, yay! I read them. They were really good. I'd love to read more.
  18. Time for me to take my sniffly, coughing self to bed, I think. Shrink appointment in the morning. Thankfully, she's two stops on the metro and a two minute walk away, so at least I won't have to go far. I think it might be time to talk to her about Thorn. Goodnight, everyone! See you tomorrow.
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