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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Yeah, but... Now that he's a father and a working stiff, he decides to throw a 'lame' NYE party and stay at home? What happened to being on national TV rubbing elbows with celebrities.
  2. It's good to be back even if I was only gone for a couple of weeks LOL Interesting time indeed. The men play golf, lay out by the pool, and drink. That should be enough excitement, right?
  3. @Cris L I got it, I got it. Are you repeating yourself so I'll be suitably scared? LOL
  4. Comprendo... but 2220? Unless technology manages to transfer my mind to a robot and keep me alive 'til then, We may have a problem. ooops, next chapter clocks in at 4250. Hopefully, @Daddydavek will be happy with the chapter length in this one. He hated the 1k per chapter story.
  5. Thanks, Tony. It's good to be back. I told someone a little earlier that I struggled while waiting to post, but I'm trying to share something every month so I had to wait for June. I better keep writing so I'll something for AUgust!
  6. @Anton_Cloche My forties were some of the most fun years of my life. I had a little money and my body could handle what it can't these days. I figure Brett and Cesar should share some of their shenanigans with us as they hit that age milestone. I haven't posted a work in progress in a long time so when readers make guesses or suggestions, it's usually too late for them to be incorporated in the story. That, I hope I've proved, does not mean I don't pay attention. Thanks for the 'pink' wine alert!
  7. Psst... keep it on the DL, but you may need to schedule a break this coming Friday morning.
  8. I'd say I'm jealous! I wouldn't mind owning a piece of a winery and taking my share of the profits in product. CJ married Owen out of love. Love of wine, that is. LOL
  9. A little help from my friends? @Defiance19 may have had some influence and @Anton_Cloche brought the 'pink' wine to my attention a few months back. After that, all it took was time on the internet. With the life these guys live, I'd need a quiet night now and then too. Sometimes writing their adventures is exhausting!
  10. I've tried to show my characters growing as they age, but their core personalities shall remain. Brett's a jokester much like CJ, and Cesar tends to be the voice of reason much like Owen. Let's hope I get that across. And yes, the locations and events do change because I hate repeating myself.
  11. The story is integral to the Boomers world and features characters from the CJ and Squad series. I'll have to add that label. However, the stars are neither CJ nor any Squad members. You could think of it as the first in an Elite Eight series, although I have no idea when another one will appear. I do have ideas for one starring Danno and another one with Dragon as the lead character. The events in Malibu will definitely impact others in the CJ-verse. It already has in Ranger. You'll figure it out in the next chapter.
  12. Thanks, Terry. Can you believe we've been at this since 2015? That's when I shared Summer. Because of all the Abellos appearing in the series, I felt I'd neglected Brett, so we find out more about his life in this one. And we get to see him and Cesar interact without the little pest being directly involved.
  13. Glad to be of service. We'll have a few returning characters and some new ones, but Brett and Cesar at last get to star in their own tale. CJ hijacked the entire series at the beginning. I've mentioned before SUmmer was initially conceived as the dads' story but the damn kid took it over.
  14. Thanks, Chris! This one follows right after Ripper Christmas, so it fits right in. CJ can thank Spencer and Tilda Liston for the damn emu Liebe assaults him with. Obviously, the girl like her Christmas present.
  15. I hope my little tale doesn't distract those of you working from home. Or would that be welcome? LOL
  16. First comment on new story! Not sure how much you'll like this one; it has lawyers and takes place in California!
  17. It all goes back to a white cop killing a black man. Or a black woman being killed in her own home. Or a black jogger being stalked and murdered by a couple of fucktards. Or... should I keep going? When I see black men tense up and recoil when a cop walks by, I want to become violent myself. I suspect protest marches and the ensuing riots will disappear when the killings stop.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    New Year's Eve

    “Ouch!” CJ’s hands shot downwards to cover his crotch, as his daughter giggled and hit him with the plush emu again. “You can’t smack me like that, Liebe. At least not there. It could do serious damage. You might end up an only child if you hurt my gonads.” He shot his snickering companions a hateful look. The actual words may not have registered with the eight-month-old girl, but the stern tone apparently did. She scrunched her face and pouted. CJ quickly lifted the bottom of the oversized
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Brett Davenport and César Abelló escape the January cold of Washington for the warmth of Southern California. A potential real estate transaction serves as an excuse for a vacation in Los Angeles and a side trip to Napa. An entertainment attorney, a music mogul, a guesthouse owner, a celebrity interior designer, a movie star, a museum executive, and a couple of influencers combine to make the trip a memorable experience for the two affluent DILFs.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    I pride myself on writing realistic dialogue, but you take it to the next level. It was one of the reasons I enjoyed Still You Want Me so much, and it looks as if you've done it again. Such a pleasure not to plod through stilted conversations. Looking forward to future chapters.
  21. My brain's once again misfiring. Hopefully, the spinoffs will tide you over. Another one's coming in three days.
  22. Tony, I'm not understanding your comment.
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