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Carlos Hazday

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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    I always thought wishing people HNY during January was acceptable
  2. Carlos Hazday


    Not a chance! There's something in the water in the Boston area that turns great athletes into cheaters. There've been a few with the Pats and now there's sign stealing allegations against the Sox. I'm just happy the pitiful Dolphins beat Brady in the last game of the season.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! I've given them a cameo in an upcoming story and have one or two ideas about another stand alone one. We'll see what I can do.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    They're all too short for you, bubba. I keep trying to use different premises and been dying to use athletes for a while. If I write one about baseball, I'll make sure I use the Cards. And the Orioles since they were originally a St Louis team!
  5. Carlos Hazday


    Glad you enjoyed it. I coonsidered Cleveland with either Cinci or Buffalo, but all three suck and that would have made Riley too high a pick. Same thing happened with Atlanta/Charlotte and Miami/Tampa?Jacksonville. In the end, I'm happy with the teams. Their draft position in the story's actually fairly close to what it'll be in real life come April.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    You're welcome! You want to read more about the guys? Cool, I'll PM you their next dventure once I'm done replying to comments. :
  7. Carlos Hazday


    And the national media would have a field day with the sudden number of rainbow flags in the stadium! LOL
  8. Carlos Hazday


    What? Sneaking in the boyfriend tag at the end? LOL
  9. Carlos Hazday


    You're welcme. An thank you for reading and reacting all throughout.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks AR. I wanted to show hard work can help whether there's high or low natural talent.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    In a bout six months.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Not sure about the amazing, but I'll take the fun. If readers enjoyed themselves, that's all I can ask for.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    The Redskins return to the SuperBowl may be delayed due to sucking. LOL They're so bad it's pathetic.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    You know I'm allergic to sappy love stories. I love getting there without the drama or the BS. LOL
  15. Carlos Hazday


    Phil’s progression from high school bench warmer to college walk-on, substitute, and starter culminated in being voted Most Valuable Player at the Orange Bowl game. He knew it was all due to hard work. Where Riley was better at football basics, Phil had achieved what he had through exceptional effort. The two men grew closer the more time they spent together. “One more lap, then we can finish off with burpees.” “Geez, Martinez, are you trying to kill me?” Riley had reverted to calling Ph
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Unfortunately, if both are selected in the first round, they chances are slim it will be by the same team. Each franchise gets a pick per round, although some are traded for other players or picks. With 32 teams spread all over the country, they could end up on different coasts. Let's see what Roberto and Garrett can work out behind the scenes.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Different place and a much less PC time. Polacos was used for anyone from Eastern Europe.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    It's flattering that no matter what I post, you want more. I'll try to write faster and longer.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Matt's words are loosely based on things my brothers say. Phil probably didn't have a choice in his nickname, read through the comments for a little insight into it. For the record, since he's big and was the game's star, he's allowed to feel up anyone he wants. Part of the jock code of conduct.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Of course I did! LOL Too easy to pass up.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    Yes, you do! LOL They're on the menu here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiYr_SQwfvmAhXvs1kKHfaJA8AQFjAAegQIHxAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cubanislandcafe.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw3xW8RBw_dCq-bjmbvqo5ct
  22. Carlos Hazday


    We find out what happens between them in the next chapter.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    Those are quasi realistic. Elite athletes, same as top entertainers, have a retinue of people following them around. I've thought ahead to the two MCs in this story and how much of their income gets eaten up paying for services like here. And without all that, they might not make as much. Of course the rest of us have to make do with an app on the phone.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    This story started as an idea for an upcoming anthology. After writing the first two chapters, I liked them so much I decided to keep them. LOL I know what happens short term and that's where the story ends. But I've already written something else updating what happens to them. Spoiler alert... Riley & Phil will return.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    That actually makes sense when in Spanish. A kid might not be able to pronounce Ignacio and turn it into Nacho.
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