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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Ritchie's birthday is 7 July 2002 The idea for the shaved heads came from elementary school kids. I watched a report on how an entire class buzzed their heads off when a classmate lost his due to chemotherapy. Owen's a good fit. He's a keeper.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    June 2015

    The pillow talks between the dads started as a literary device allowing me to explain or expand certain things. I liked them so much I used them through most of this book. I wish I could have had parents like them.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    May 2015

    Each time I include anything about guns, I get hate mail. LOL Not really, but CJ's position isn't entirely popular with most of the readership. I don't mind. Actually, I prefer people complain about CJ being opinionated and decisive, instead of him being wishy-washy and indecisive due to the usual angst most readers saddle their teen characters with.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    April 2015

    @Jaro_423 I'm glad you're not online all the time or you'd notice how long it takes me between replies. Once again I had to read the whole chapter. I like this one. Ritchie's moving to DC and CJ's being pursued by two presidential candidates. I'm sure the dads will be getting gray hairs in the near future.
  5. Carlos Hazday

    March 2015

    I just let the characters borrow my soapbox now and then... LOL Those type of discussions were not something I was involved in at that age. I was too damn closeted in high school. Times have changed a lot too. It wasn't until I was in my thirties I was comfortable sitting to drinks with friends and discussing sexual matters.
  6. @Jaro_423 Hopefully, any tears shed this chapter were not sad ones this time. I really enjoyed reading Ritchie's reaction again.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    January 2015

    @Jaro_423 Although I tell everyone mystories are feel-good ones, life's not a continuous party. I've written a couple of deaths, and each one has been tough. I'm happy with how this chapter turned out. My only complaint about you posting comments together is I get distracted re-reading chapters and previous comments! LOL
  8. Carlos Hazday


    @Bft I've been caught in that type of weather twice during long rides. In Maine, I wore a rain suit so I remained somewhat dry. In South Carolina, riding with 5 other guys through a National Forest it was bad. There was no place to turn off for miles, we wore t-shirts and leather vest, and the rain hit. Accompanied by hail which made an interesting sound striking my helmet. Even my socks were soaked, in spite of wearing knee-high leather boots supposedly waterproof. When we got to the hotel, at last, the guy I was rooming with and I stood naked in front of the heater trying to warm up!
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 21

    Just wait until time passes and you start getting binge readers. It's a trip getting comments on stuff I posted 5 years ago! There are 150+ chapters in my series, and some readers go through them in a week. Keeps me on my toes, and it's a blast re-reading portions of the story or previous comments. Now you'll think of me when it happens to you. LOL
  10. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 21

    Are we mafioso now? I laughed so loud I had a coughing fit. My doctor will bill you. Nice job wrapping it all up. Enjoyed the read and sooner or later you'll get a proper review.
  11. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 20

    Didn't I mention a long time ago Corbin had Paul, Chad, Luca, Zampa, and Harris looking after him? It took me a while to remove the FBI agent from the list. So, Stefano and Jenoah stay to run the restaurants? Hailiey is now home to an Italian crime family. And he's a queen twice over.
  12. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 19

    It was hard to figure it out and not spoil it. I read a few chapters without leaving a comment so I wouldn't be tempted. Nice work.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 18

    How much for a copy of the footage inside the cabin? You can edit out the G, PG, and PG13 portions.
  14. Carlos Hazday


  15. Carlos Hazday


    Hurry up and pack, they're back on the road next chapter. Don't forget the budgie smuggler and the flip flops. I wanted to do a bike trip in each book and I thought I'd take them somewhere more sedate, what with Owen being a country boy and all. It got out of hand when I included Harley, so it was split. I still wanted CJ and Owen to spend some alone time. CJ gets to shop and explore and Owen gets to eat lobster and drink wine. I figured both got to enjoy what they like.
  16. By now you probably know what comes next. The change in chapter titles and the elimination of actual dates are part of my evolution as an author and CJ's maturing. We can assume he still has lunch with his group of friends most days, that he plays basketball with the guys, and that he does a lot of the things I've previously described. As the story progresses, I focus on highlights and big events more. If I kept going at the rate I was, I'd be dead before CJ graduated from college! The dads help shape CJ into the man he becomes. You'll eventually see his personality combine aspects of both fathers.
  17. @Jaro_423 I write for myself--the series' popularity is a huge bonus--and I liked to be immersed in a character's surroundings and mundane aspects of life. Some of it diminishes in future books because I dislike repeating myself. But I'd rather have a clear image of the premises than imagine a generic setting. It's one reason why I use dinner galas, sporting events, and travel. I don't think a wealthy, active teen should spend his time indoors playing video games all the time. I have a list of events I want to use but he's too young for them. One day I'll have CJ at the Met Gala in New York City, wearing some custom designed tuxedo, hanging with movie stars and high society. His dads do a little of it, but their son will be in the social pages of the Washington Post and The New York Times.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    October 2014

    LMAO - After 72 song titles appropriated as chapter ones, I figured it was time for a change. My goal was to have a chapter a month covering the high school years, but a couple of times the ended up being split due to length. I could have probably done the same with a few more. Most published works don't use chapter titles and that was one of the reasons I changed my approach. My formatting has changed along with my writing. Hopefully for the better.
  19. @Jaro_423 Brad's personality mirrors CJ when he gets going. If I ever got in a bar fight. I'd want those two with me. His reaction to his grandfather was a bit over-the-top, but he's a teenager and will hopefully learn when to speak softly and when to carry a big stick. Much like CJ still needs to.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    August 2014

    The dads tend to play good cop-bad cop unintentionally. As for CJ's maturity, he does have his kid moments now and then but the influence of all the adults surrounding him more often than not influences his decision making.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    Summer's End

    I'm so glad I started this chapter with Chatri and Helen. CJ has his own age group and his dads' friends, but Chatri was the first person he met on his own in Washington. He and his wife don't get a lot of air time, but they're still important to our kid. I like showing CJ's ability to interact with people of all races, ages, and sexuality. An idealized view of how we should all be.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    I never had as much money or time as CJ so my trips have been abbreviated versions of his. I spent very little time at Acadia, but I did watch the sun rise from atop Cadillac Mountain. My next big hike has to be The Vessel.
  23. US politics are a mess, but we're not that far behind several other supposedly mature democracies. Next year will be a very interesting election.
  24. @Jaro_423 Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. As for American politics, there's a bit in Walls so ask questions when in doubt. I'll warn you there's an entire book dedicated to politics in the future. Even though it's focused on CJ, some things may be confusing. I know it lost me some readers but all this is integral to what happens a few years in the future. In case you're wondering why my replies are not faster, I end up reading bits of each chapter and reader comments each time I click on one of your comments.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    Local Hero

    Walls covers the last two years in high school and now instead of CJ, Harley, and Thiago, the group includes 3 new arrivals and Owen in the periphery. A few more characters to add before CJ's gang is complete.
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