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    Hiking, writing (of course), big-big gamer, mixology, little bit of everything really except american football I suppose.

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  1. Hey Knights, during this interesting time in our lives I'm sure many of us have turned to music to help cope. I in particular fancy synth as one of my favorite genres of the medium so to kick off a little series I want to start (And to give this blog some love .___.), I thought I'd share one of my all time favorites. It's mellow, but has a slight moment where the tempo picks up, nevertheless I turn to this track for both uncertain and dark times, and for times where I just wanna relax and let that music flow through me. As featured in the video game Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number this is Dust by M.O.O.N, hope you guys enjoy!
  2. Sooyer burst into the barracks the madness of the dispersing crowd shouting behind him, merely echoes in his shaken mind. Blood dripped from his face, as he shuffled his way towards a washing basin. The crystal-clear water, being pierced and infiltrated by the crimson blooms. The image in his mind would haunt him, the searing, stinking flesh, only overcome by the stench of his own body. “Sire?” Sooyer mindlessly pushed the guard aside, coming to his senses he rushed to his side helping him t
  3. Nightfall was upon the city of Tallisk, Malcolm and Azuel were on their fifth ale. “Is he still down there?” “Feels like it,” Malcolm took a sip of his ale, “He’s probably not getting out without help, I’m in no rush.” “Shouldn’t you be?” Malcolm shook his head, finishing the rest of his ale in one gulp. “Like I said, don’t think they’re going anywhere, besides would you be in a rush to wade through sewage in dark corridors alone with no sense of direction or tools?” “No, I’d
  4. Happy Easter and Happy Passover to those who partake! We're just staying home, enjoying the stay at home order, trying to see it as a forced vacation. Hope everyone's doing alright, we got to think positive and look to the bright sides in times like these.🥰
  5. The drip drop of the pipes above Jack was a new change of pace for Jack, Leo finding the entrance to a sewer was a surprising choice for Jack at first but he would live. They had already traveled a decent length through the labyrinth before coming to a small outcrop, where a previous settler had made his home. Jack was tending to a fire next to an old sleeping bag the steps of a jogging Leo echoing through the tunnels. “Got away!” Leo said triumphantly holding a couple of fish in the air.
  6. Jack awoken to the sound of bells, the unfamiliar stench of salt, and bob and weave of the ship's bow. “Alright ya lot!” a large man moved down into the hold, ringing a tiny bell of his own, “We’re coming into port! Get up! Get up!” around him the many hammocks began unloading their refugees, Jack himself included. “Don’t forget any of yer belongins, we split anything you leave amongst the crew!” he chuckled, still ringing his damn bell. Luckily for Jack he had practically nothing,
  7. In a mystical world, where light and dark fold and interlace, two hearts Peter and Jack are caught sharing in forbidden love, forcing the two to escape down starkly different life paths that will test both the two hearts, and the very world of Dar-Klite.
  8. The judgement of equals, a fate to behold all, for the shattered afterlives from east to west. Both the bold and the craven await this fate, Like scattered souls lost to space. But one, a Bright Soul, One whose heart laid in light. His love for his alluring Spark, Forever changing his life's ark. They danced, and drank, adorned in white. Peers basking in the Bright Ones smile, and his sparks beauty. Until the departure, a sooty evil would s
  9. Hey I'm curious, does anyone use some ambiance when writing like music or a specific you-tuber? I personally, quite often have music that fits the mood of what I'm writing, or listen to Fredrik Knudsen.
  10. Drums, moans, yells, and screams! The dreams of many fades. No longer at peace, at the mercy of fearsome hordes, The kingdom begins to rumble. Broken without sympathy the King falls A token of fate, he had risen to meet his foe. The Lich, his soul stolen, his husk leading the charge Calls of resistance, among the walls to push the foul plague Women and children run yet die, For what lies the fate of after-death is forever marching The dead rise
  11. Evening Knights, Today's post I wanna focus more on the player end of things specifically role play. Now, I come from an interesting place in that before I started to actively write and hold a passion for the craft I obtained some valuable skills just playing table top games. By this I mean when I ran games, I went in with a basic plan of how the a session would go, I would normally have at least 2-3 maps of different locations to give them room to roam and on special days even more, however, and any Dungeon Master would agree with me on this: Players are unpredictable. More specifically characters are unpredictable. If one has a decent group in which the players role play their characters, from a Dungeon Masters perspective this can teach a lot about how characters react and feel about the environment their placed in. For example, I was once a player in a game of Call of Cthulhu (CoC for short, I know right?) now the basic premise for this game is a group of people of various backgrounds and occupations investigating strange mysteries and lifting the veil on conspiracies, secret cults, and ancient knowledge all set in H.P. Lovecraft's literary universe. So during the session it was me, a journalist, a lawyer, and a thief and in the game we had to break into someones house to look for this journal of a man we suspected was apart of a local cult to Dagon. We we're role playing of course, so it played out something like this: Thief: Alrighty, so we just gotta get inside, take the journal and scram before he gets home. Lawyer: You know I can't be apart of this Thief: Why not? Lawyer: Well besides my license, the charge of breaking and entering would change that. Me: We really just need a photo of it and I can handle that. Lawyer: Look I'll keep watch and run interference if someone comes along, but I can't be seen in there. This was a very distilled version but the point is, shortly after the game the player who played the lawyer even apologized because he felt he held up the game when this wasn't the case at all. In fact, this gave good realism to the game and introduced a pretty intense scene where the owner of the house did come home early and it created a fun espionage sort of session. This change would never of happened if he had just gone with the flow of the game and continued on the predicted path the Dungeon Master had made. The characters our players make can teach us a lot about choices, and perspective, which of course is what we as writers strive to do constantly in our craft, to achieve great, balanced, and beloved characters and I feel table top is a great way to emphasize this. So for your consideration, maybe look into the hobby or at the very least heed the emphasis of characters and what makes us fall in love with them: The realistic and rational thinking that makes them so real and dear that they become moreso, they become apart us and change the way we feel and see from the moment we close that book and say goodbye to them. Thank you for reading, you guys have a great day!
  12. The silence we hold dear, Echoes a march for the coming year. Mere men with plans, rise to the new order. As hands of sauntered masses border the fine line of life and death. The men of red, pierce through the line. Dread fills us as we panic. Manic calls to action raise militias. To blaze the perspective darkness. The men of blue hold the wishes of desperation. The damnation of past sins drive their future. In this light, the twins both red a
  13. Hello Knights, This is my first blog post, so I figured I'd cover something along the lines of ethics, but of course not really. Ethics being in short the guiding compass of ones morals, however, in this case I figured I'd cover unofficial social contract between a dungeon master and his players. Now, what I mean by this is the symbiosis between these two roles that allow these sort of games to function, the two ends of the staff that each hold up. Without both ends holding up, the staff falls. To delve deeper into this, lets say I call my friend John ask him and a couple others if they're up for a game of D&D this Saturday. The moment they say yes is when this metaphorical contract is forged. A contract that can be summed up as 1.) The Dungeon Master promises to build the game, flesh it out, and make it as good as he possibly can. 2.) The player(s) agree to take the game as serious as the game allows and to give in as much as the Dungeon Master puts in himself. The reasoning behind this contract can be applied to anything social really, hence the name, it's no different then lets say, same example as before except it's a party. There is still going to be a gathering for a number of hours on a Saturday, with the host making all the necessary preparations, and on the other end, the guests being respectful and attempting to have a great time. Both examples rely on both parties giving it their all. Really in such a niche hobby that is table-top gaming this is important because a Dungeon Master can create a kick-ass adventure, have the maps, monsters, and antagonist to back it, but this falls flat if the players just decide to rob the local shoppe, or start killing any NPCs without a regard for the world. This works two ways of course, if the Dungeon Master barely worked on his adventure, and didn't prepare the entire week before the game that Saturday. Well, simply put your players (more often then not, your friends) are gonna get bored and try to make the game fun on their own terms or even just leave. In short, both sides of the coin cleared their schedule in order to enjoy a game that, at least in my experience, they were looking forward to playing. In conclusion, I'd take the idea of this contract for your consideration if you decide to run or join a game, or even just planning a social outing in general. Both sides need to have fun and have their heart in whatever they're doing, because the other end of the staff can get heavy when being dragged along. That's all for tonight, thank you for reading, and have a great day Knights! I took heavy inspiration from one of my idols in the table top community, and he posts his own video about the social contract and elaborates more then I did, the link is below.
  14. The darkness festers throughout the vast cosmos in many ways, through war, famine, greed and more, this collection showcases this darkness that exists all around. From the tortured individual to the battlefields of distant lands. This darkness grows, and this archive exists to catalog it. The archive will continue to catalog these findings, as the darkness grows ever closer to us, we are prepared to meet it with observant eyes, and open minds.
  15. You wait, you wait. Dawn to dusk, Oh the hate you bring with you. It’s a musk and it fills my soul. You lie dormant. You fester and grow while doing so. You’re a foreign entity. Break me, break me, send me through trial. You see blood, I see life. You cut me with your knife. You watch my colors run. Suffering of lovers make you stronger. No one sees you but me, Would anyone miss me if I gave into you? My friends don’t need me. What’s stopping me from giving into your tainted kiss? Knife in h
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