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  1. Restolock

    Chapter 3

    That... would be criminally evil. Funny.. But criminally evil. Really enjoyed this chapter. The peek into the governing and general mentalities of the vampire nation always makes me smile.
  2. Restolock

    Chapter 2

    Nice to see their family dynamic working so well. Imagine how inconvenient that would be. Just chilling (pun intended) before dinner and then suddenly it's snowing and the temps plummet. On the upside for the family, summertime just improved 100% for them.
  3. Restolock

    Chapter 1

    The story is off to a good start. I'm excited to see where it goes. I love a strong matriarch in a story. They are usually such cool people
  4. Just caught up, I know I'm very behind. I do hope finishing the story is still in the works. Curious to see how plays out.
  5. But what became of benji.. I must know that the tiger is ok.
  6. Restolock

    Chapter 37

    So he's a little broken in the head, but it could be much worse. Oh to be a fly on that wall for the psych appointment. Most dangerous couples counselling to on the planet. Love the plot twists though. This has been a great direction. And nearing so close to the end. I hope you'll decide to keep writing. If you need alpha or beta readers. would be happy to offer my help up.
  7. Restolock

    Chapter 36

    Talk about parent issues. Not a mental break, just an alien grafted into your head at the dna level, and a prince at that. That may take a little bit to get their collective heads wrapped around. Wonder how JJ will deal with that tidbit of info, If he forgives for being set on fire. Poor Benji and that upcoming cry session. "my bf set me on fire, then got shot, then vanished.." Just how badly do you want to break Dr Dull's brain with revelations.
  8. Restolock

    Chapter 34

    Short but wow. Feel a little bad for them. First relationships are always rough imo. Glad he didnt do any major damage to JJ. Now if he can just shut down the explosive part of that exchange hes in business. Another trip to talk to the others in his head should prove interesting.
  9. Restolock

    Chapter 32

    And the star of the book appears... "Benji, his plush Bengal Tiger." My new favorite character.
  10. Restolock

    Chapter 30

    I get it, of sorts. I was an only child and the pastors son at that. When they found out I was gay at 14, I was kicked out. So the abandonment issues I get full course. The browbeating the oldest is abuse like any other in my book. Hate that it happens.
  11. Restolock

    Chapter 30

    I think its a safe bet most of your readers would be looking forward to more. I personally am looking forward to more. Work has a way of wearing everyone down, don't sweat the small details where you can. Would rather a late chapter than a burnout. Gotta say I do kinda dislike Travis's parents. So aggressively combative to him and not the other brat.
  12. Restolock

    Chapter 12

    Yeah. I died a little for them.
  13. Restolock

    Chapter 29

    Good start. Love the cuddleing. It's a great way to spend any first date imo lol. Granted dates don't usualy end with the other side throwing fireballs. Coming out really was a go big or go home lol. But yay, once they deal with the powers, and the fact he could have appeared in josh's bedroom any/every night with no consequences. They can start figuring their shi*t out.
  14. Restolock

    Chapter 28

    letting loose a little might help him get a better understand on Prometheus. Who i think could probably drink them all under the table lol. But yes. a kiss and a promise wouldn't be a bad way to cap a night before going back to pissed off parents because the brat would totally tell on him. I do feel bad for JJ. When your friends dump on you when your being yourself. it suck. Did that far to many times in high school/college/work.. maybe someday we can learn lol
  15. Restolock


    Good. The story was a very entertaining read, glad you decided to post a little to tidy up it up a little. Will be interesting to see some of the missing details and where if anything you go from there.
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